December 6, 2013

Hello December!

Well, December seems to have snuck up and smacked me right in the face!

With 5 days of school left for the year, our calendar is full of parties, dance competitions, graduation, birthdays, school orientation, a swimming carnival, musical rehearsals, school break up and Christmas concert!

In between, I'll find time to go to work, finish Christmas shopping, take the family to Brisbane for two days, and keep the house in some kind of organised chaos. 

I also have to sew the huge rip in the trampoline from last weeks storm, which saw winds so ferocious, that they picked it up, carried it over the pool where it came to rest sideways against the house, smashing the downpipe in the process!

Industrial sewing needle anyone?

This year seems different though. A shift in my conscience maybe, as Miss D (aged 12) is starting high school next year.  With mixed emotions, of excitement (for her) and pure terror (for me - wasn't she just BORN??) I shall loosen the tie just a bit that connects her to my heart, and send her off to the big school!

By 2014 I'll have a new school to get to know, and a teenager to try to understand, which is ridiculous as I've only ever had young children, where did these big kids come from?

There's been a lot happening leading up to this moment.  She spent a week away on school camp, and I cried when the bus left, and stalked facebook for school updates, just hoping for a glimpse of her. The kids had an amazing time, and I'm sure they grew up just a little bit during the week.

Being in Grade 7 and a school leader, she's had many responsibilities and has loved being part of the oldest group in the school.  Such a difference being the youngest in high school, the dynamics certainly change. Another milestone that truly begins with that first smile, that first glimpse of a shiny new tooth and the most amazing first step!

I'll admit that I feel apprehensive, and I'll worry about her because it's a big step for me too.  Letting go of my first born baby, and realising that she doesn't need me quite as much now that she's older, stings just a little bit.

It's just life. It's part of the process I suppose. Having the world at your feet is a powerful thing, and she is standing on the doorstep waiting to fly.