But the best part is if the Hubbster or myself let the "F" word slip, she will pipe up from the backseat of the car, or from across the paddock and say "Mummy (yes it's always me, fuck it, opps), just said "Suckin Hell" because SHE CAN'T PRONOUNCE THE "F" SOUND. That's really helpful in doctors surgeries or crowded places for sure.

sucking adorable!!
...what's a paddock?
LOLOL she is that for sure!
A paddock is a fenced or unfenced area on our farm, thats what the farm is broken up into. They have gates on them to let cattle etc through. So I can say (The hubbster is up in the top paddock!)
well, i think i've learned something here today. :D
LMAO!! ill have to remember that pronunciation for future "home stories" that may present at kindy hehehe
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