Directions:For you newbies it's never to late to jump in!! Here is what you must do. Choose a prompt that inspires you most. Write. Come back Thursday and paste your blog URL into the Mister Linky that will be up...this way anyone can click on your name and head over to your place to see what you wrote.Feel free to write on more than one prompt if you so desire.
The prompts I have chosen are as follows:
1.) If you could cut back on something in your life that takes up your time what would it be? And what would you prefer to spend that time doing?
I spend WAY to much time online. Msn, facebook, myspace, blogging the list goes on. But damnit, I enjoy it. I love chatting to people from all over the world. I love reading about different places, different people and their lives and the internet lets me do this. I am going to have to limit my time a little because other things that I love are not getting attention. My guitar is dusty, my reading is behind, my shedwork, well don't even get me started... And I need to play more football with my son, and more dolls with my girls. Enough said.
2.) Share a recent adventure you had with a friend.
As I lead such a glamorous, exciting life, I have too many recent adventures to choose from. Joke. I have nothing, so I have chosen a moment in time that I still think about to this day and will probably never recapture again.

The most amazing part of the night was the ride back to our hotel. There was about 10 of us who each paid two cowboys one dollar to drive us back in their pickup truck. We crammed in the back, the wind in our hair, driving down the highway singing:- "the stars at night, are big and bright.... deep in the heart of Texas..." This was adventurous and slightly dangerous because:-
1. We could have caught a cold, it was freezing..
2. We could have been pulled over by the highway patrol, we were speeding.
3. We could have crashed, above reason.
4. We were wasted, we could have fallen out of the back of the truck!
5. We could have seriously flirted with one of the hot guys! See dangerous!
I will never forget this night. Fun, exciting, dangerous, we had no worries in the world. Just freedom and a big headache in the bus the next morning...
3.) Describe a memorable gift. Why was it important to you?
For Mothers Day, my 6 year old son bought me this spoon rest. He said he noticed that when I am cooking, I put my stirring spoon on the table next to the microwave and it leaves a mark, so he thought this would be perfect to rest my spoon on. I was blown away by his thoughtfulness and insight, and besides the fact it is so big, it could be used by a giant to rest his spoon on, I adore it. My son also said I could use it as a soap holder if I like. This gift means more to me than any bling I could think of.
4.) If you could change career paths now and be anything you wanted to be...what would you be and why?
That is so easy. I would love to get into Travel and Tourism. I almost crave it. I will have to work part time next year, to pay for the faceless house we are (not) building, and I would love to work in this industry. Trouble is, with the economic (blah blah) climate at present, this industry could possibly be going nowhere. Do I pay the thousands of dollars and do the certificate in travel that is required, only to not find a job? Or do I just walk into The Flight Centre, who apparently like to hire people with no experience? I think I may just do that..

That spoon rester is awesome...I've never even heard of such a thing!!
Your spoon rester is something you could have gotten in Texas, you know. It's big enough.
I've been to the Midnight Rodeo a time or two. Not the one way up in Amarillo, but down in Austin. They really are a lot of fun if you're into country dancing. And I am, though it's been a while.
Sounds like you were touring in a band?
I love it to death!!!
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