September 7, 2009

Plywood is down

The plywood is down and the shape of the floor plan without internals is really starting to show. The hardwood floors go on top of this plywood, but they don't get done until last. The next step is the decking timber, so that will be started this week.

These photos kind of show the layout of the floor plan and the size of the house, without the verandahs. All up, it's 550 sq m so it's big. As I said before, we wouldn't have built a house this size, but it was already started so we are going with what is there.


Foursons said...

Exciting process!

Barbara said...

It is HUGE!! and so exciting .... Did you do a tap dance?? lol

Liz Mays said...

How exciting for you!

Farmers Wifey said...

I could do a waltz on top for sure!

Jen said...

Just stopped by from over at Foursons. How exciting!!

katepickle said...

ooh how exciting... there is a house really being built!!! Yay!