And with these words, my heart stopped and I nearly jumped out of my seat!
Miss D came second out of a hotly contested field of 15, today, in her Jazz section of the Eisteddfod. Her first solo.
She danced brilliantly..even when she had finished her routine I was so proud because she danced with the most amazing energy. She smiled and looked straight at the adjudicator...and the best thing of all was that she had so much fun!
Coming second was really a bonus, I tried to drill into her that the most important thing is for her to enjoy herself.....
And I was so happy for her....with the most intense feelings of love and devotion and pride that only a Mother can truly understand....
I wanted her to have this moment, this happiness, I'd give her anything if I could..
The Hubbster who saw the performance today jokingly just said:
"I know why she won today"..." Because I had my lucky red underpants on".......
To which I replied...
"Well wear them tommorrow."
"And wear them on Wednesday too......."

oh, WONDERFUL!!! Good for her, and good for you too, for encouraging her and giving her a chance to shine!
Congrats Miss D!
And maybe you should go out and buy some more lucky red underpants. :)
Oh how I love you and your blog for shouting proud about this! WELL DONE! To ALL of you.
Congratulations! I know its hard work for them and you but its all worthwhile! Mine went in their first eisteddfod earlier this year and I know that proud as punch moment now too!
How exciting! Congratulations! :)
Go the red undies!!
Congrats and well done, I know how stressful all round it is! :)
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