Sunday 10th November 1996
Waverly Tennessee to Hannibal Missouri
We spent the day visiting Mitzie and Mishelles family, who were very welcoming to this Aussie! It was wonderful to meet these Americian families whose hospitality was so inviting....
We drove alot of the day, onwards to Mitzies town of Hannibal, Missouri, boyhood town of Mark Twain.
Diary Entry
Sunday 10th November 1996
We drove through Paris Tennessee, through Murray Kentucky, Paducah Kentucky, Northward to Mt Vernon Illinois, Westward to St Louis Missouri, Northward to Hannibal Missouri. Arrived at 9pm, we drove most of the day...
Monday 11th November 1996
Hannibal Missouri
Slept in today, I felt much better after coming down with a cold on my travels. Visited Walmart, yes I was actually THERE! and put all of my films in to be processed. Remember people, digital cameras were not the thing those days...
I met some of Mitzies friends and co workers and actually felt quite the celebrity! We did some shopping and just hung was really really nice, and a change of pace from the tour I had just finished.
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