Well week one of the challenge is over, and I must say it has been eventful..for me.
Naomi and I are thrilled that so many bloggers have joined with us and we really look forward to reading about your progress.......
My week one begins like this:-
Saturday - weighed in at 70.5 kg - this sounds as if I am announcing a wrestler
Went for a jog/walk/jog/walk today, keeping my heart rate up. It's called High Intensity Interval Training and it's great for boosting the metabolism. I feel very motivated.
Sunday - Weighed myself this morning, I've put on 300 grams..hmm I don't like that! Another run down, I worked really hard and came home sweating - I love that feeling.
Monday - 70.0kg ..well that's more like it! Another run and I love this sweating......
Tuesday - did a walk today to let my muscles rest. 70.3 kg - I must stop weighing myself everyday..I know my weight will fluctuate from day to day but I just can't help it!
Wednesday - I lost 700 grams overnight! I'm now at 69.6! My back is quite sore though - I hurt my lower back several years ago and it has never fully recovered. I have times when it is just so sore..I must stretch but of course when I am feeling good I don't worry about stretching.
Thursday- So to put it bluntly.........I've completely "stuffed" my back. I am so cranky that I can't even do some gentle jogging without my back giving out on me....
I am in pain. My lower back is stiff and sore, and I have muscle spasms shooting around my body. Every time I move my legs or arms, I walk, or sit or stand or lay down! I am in pain.
I am in tears. I just cannot believe this. My first week of exercising and this happens. It's my own fault for not stretching my back - when it is good.
I take myself off to physio today for some traction which is always fun and a good scolding from my physio for not doing my stretches.
Friday - I'm still in pain but I take the kids to the movies, along with a pillow. Thank you Mr Codeine for getting me through. In the afternoon I start to feel a little better, I've been stretching about 5 times a day and putting ice on my back when it feels sore.
Saturday - I feel alot better and can actually see myself "walking" without pain. Weigh in days sees me at 69.7 - I am happy with my small loss as I haven't exercised for a few days and I want this weight loss to be slow and steady - 1 kg a week would be great.
So now my focus has completely changed. Instead of going like a bull at a gate, I am taking things slow....I am promising to stretch everyday and I am working on my core strength to protect my back and to regain my flexibility.
I will start walking again next week and when the kids go back to school in two weeks time, I will hit the gym..weights for my back and for fat loss...it has worked before and I really enjoyed it.
It will be low impact...from now on.
Thank you everyone for participating and for joining Naomi and I in this "frustrating at times" journey.....

Oh you poor thing! *So* good to hear you went straight to the physio when you realised you were in trouble (did she talk to you about pilates??).
It's such a common thing for people to injure themselves or reactivate old injuries when they suddenly start exercising again.
Take it easy - remember any activity that raises your heart rate counts as exercise...including housework (blah, but it counts!!)
Love that you love to sweat too :-)
Hope you have a speedy recovery!
yoga is another good exercise that helps strengthen the core, so my 'WII Fit' instructor tells me. lol
Congratulations on your first kg erasure!
I'm with Cate re: the physio, back & pilates - the double bonus is a lovely flat and strong tummy in addition to a well-supported spine etc.
Looking forward to reading about your progress,
Felicity x
Hi Gorgeous, been thinking of you this week as I pounded the pavements! Hope I have linked everything up properly! Do I need to link to Naomi too? smiles
what an awesome week you have had in weight loss but bad in injury! keep up the great work and stay focused my friend. we can do it together and with everyone supporting us we will feel so much better by the end of this journey. Naomi xx
Yes, slow and steady is more likely to be successful in the long run. Congrats on a small loss - may it be the beginning of many!
Thanks for sharing your journey so far I hope mine is as eventful minus the back trouble. Keep up we are all cheering you on!!
Oh nooooo! Not a bad back acting up. I am so sorry to hear that. I know that pain. I hate that pain. But, despite the back you have done a great job of working toward your goal to vanquish the Blogger Butt - good job, you!
Me, not so good. We are on vacation. We are currently New Orleans. The food and drink have been spectacular. Then, my pants got tight....really tight! I'm going the wrong way!
Sorry about your back, that's awful -- get stretching, girl! Great weight loss, though, and thanks for getting me off my Blogger Butt!!!
You have a Stylish Blogger Award on my Blog if you would like to accept it please stop by! xx
Me 'N my Monkeys - http://www.janedavid99.com/2011/01/i-guess-i-got-style.html
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