And that is the most horrific, unbelieveable thing....
Please read this which explains how it all unfolded.
We are in a flood crisis. A chaotic, disaster of immense proportions.
Countless people dead and missing. As I write, 10 people have lost their lives and 78 are unaccounted for.
Children swept away in the tsunami like wall of wall that devastated countless towns and communities.
Homes being ripped from their foundations and carried along the torrent of water, which has been described as an "inland tsunami".
Dozens of people atop their roofs, waiting for rescue. The helicopters winch them to safety while others sit and wait.....
It's like something out of a blockbuster movie, except it is real. The wall of water is amazingly strong and is picking up whatever is in its path and taking it.
We have seen footage of cars, of shipping containers and debris being carried along in the surging water, and of cars being sucked underneath with people still inside. How could this be real?
From Rockhampton to Toowoomba and now Brisbane..and communities in between......people have lost their homes and their businesses and must deal with the aftermath of having no belongings and in alot of circumstances no beloved pets.
As the wall of water moves down the state, the city of Brisbane is in evacuation mode - bracing itself for the worse to come on Wednesday and Thursday (how could it be any worse?)
We are safe here....the highway and roads are cut so we have no fresh food, milk or meat coming through so we will make do with what we have.
Emergency services are advising people to move to higher ground now and not wait until it's too late. I can't even imagine how it feels to be in this situation.....
To know that it is coming and there is nothing to be done to stop it.
I can't stop thinking about the little 4 year old who drowned during a rescue attempt and the little 3 year old boy ripped from his mothers arms by the raging water..
In the midst of this we must stop and think about and appreciate the amazing job being done by emergency services and volunteers who are in some cases risking their own lives to make sure people are safe.
And to our Prime Minister and Premier who have remained calm and reassuring whilst coordinating a massive job under a lot of pressure.
Australians are tough and will get through this. We stand shoulder to shoulder, mate with mate, helping each other through the tears and the sorrow, rebuilding lives and businesses but never forgeting...
You can donate to the Queensland Flood Relief Appeal here.

This is so terrible. I've stopped watching the footage, it's too heartbreaking to see so much devastation.
I am so horrified to read this. Hang in there and stay safe!
God I keep watching the footage - it is so awful. Thinking of you all and praying for you
So horrible. Praying for the stranded to be rescued. May nobody be alone.
I am horrified too. I am so sorry. Praying for safety and protection and provision.
We will pray for your safety and protection during these terrible times. We had some flooding similar back in May of 2010. My son and I were caught in water up to the windows on our car, and miraculously on the twelfth try, the car started and we made it out. We were terrified and very thankful we made it out alive after the water broke over a concrete barrier on a major road. I hope that people can help and that heroes arise from places unknown to save anyone in peril.
It is so horrible :( I have friends and family who thought they would be ok in their homes who are now trapped with no power :( I wished they had listened to me and came to my place. I encourage everyone to donate... every little bit helps. These poor people :(((
On a happier note, I have nominated youfor a blogging award
Oh, FW, this is such a thoughtful and moving post. I struggled to write mine today. Words seem so empty and hollow at a time like this. I am so relieved to hear you're okay. You're in my thoughts and prayers J x
Dreadful!All our thoughs are with the people in Queensland. I have put the Queensland Flood relief appeal link onto my Twitter page over here in the UK.
My heart is aching for all affected. My family and I spent a year in Roma before moving back to the US and we have so many wonderful friends who are affected. Our thoughts and prayers are with all Queenslanders while you fight this.
Just saw on the news this morning of video footage showing horses and cows swimming trying to get out of the flooded areas.
I really admire your attitude about how everyone will get through this tradgedy by helping one another.
Praying you and yours stay safe. Mother Nature has her way of letting us all know what she is capable of.
Beautiful post...we've had our own horrors to sort out here in the States this week but my thoughts and prayers are with the people in Queensland. Love the Aussie spirit.
Well said.
All of the losses are heartbreaking but it moved me to tears hearing about that precious four yr old boy and his family. I can't imagine his terror or his family & rescuers.
Chilling memories that stay with us forever.
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