I know you're thinking "Farmers Wifey, have you been drinking?"
No, no, of course not. I've given up! (That's another post).
But, I love ducks.
Everytime I see one, it makes me smile. They are just so.......funny.

The way they waddle slowly across the road, in single file, oblivious to the fact that at any moment they could become duck soup.
I saw so many ducks on my drive in to work this morning, I could easily be living in Ducktropolis!
There was a pair of ducks swimming in our dam. I then encountered a low flying duck, whose altitude instruments were out of quack (pardon the pun) as he nearly flew into my windscreen.
Then I had to stop the car on the road to allow one..two..three.........nine ducks to waddle slowly, single file across the road.
I'd love to have some pet ducks on our farm. Then I could smile at them every morning and they would make me feel happy for the rest of the day.
But we already have 2 roosters and 3 hens, all of which are not laying (I'll let the Roosters off for obvious reasons but I'm showing the hens the axe if they don't start producing my breakfast).
And of course we have 23 or so guinea fowl. I don't have an exact number because they don't keep still long enough for me to count.
And they're just plain weird and drive me crazy. Most of the time they make me grit my teeth.
Just look at what they have done to my deck chair.
No wonder I'm pasty. I have nowhere to sunbake.
Which actually is a good thing because if I parked myself in the sun, I'd spontaneously combust.
That or my mother would kill me.

I love seeing the blind trust that ducks seem to have. Follow the leader at all costs - and remain oblivious to traffic, people, hazards.
YES! YES! That's exactly what I mean, they just don't seem to realise the danger they are in.
I love seeing a person out stopping traffic to allow ducks to pass....I think they deserve a medal!
Ducks are hilarious! They don't even realize it. Maybe its because they look funny, or act stupid, but they always put a smile on my face. Sorry about your deck chair though!
Remind me to tell you a story about my sister teaching a duck to fly the next time we meet. If I put it on the interwebz she'll kill me.
Lovin the makeover x
I'm a duck fan too!
Love the blog makeover! I would have loved to pay for one but have settled for a DIY effort instead.
Geez --- I didn't know they could be that destructive...still learning!
Ducks are so cute! The only place we see them are at the local Botanic Gardens. Feeding them is a favourite pastime for Miss 4 and I.
Loving the new blog look! xx
haha! i'm a duck fan too, I have 2, hoping they breed baby ducks! I have 32 chooks - none laying (even with the axe at the door) and 8 guinea fowl that are hilarious! They are so bossy! Ive seen the cat stalking them only for it to turn pear shaped and have the cat running for it's life with 8 guinea fowl hot on its tail!
I love ducks, infact I love all animals, except spiders...but guinea fowls I thing are awesome, they are the best 'snake keep awayers'...lol...and they are always calling 'come back' 'come back'... sorry about your chair but they were telling you that too much sun is no good for you...hahaha....I enjoy reading your blog, the 100 things I loved...I could have written it actually..
I grew up in the bush and now I am a city dweller, much to my dismay, but with kids in high school. I know I will end up back on the land one day, I would love to live in America. keep up the excellent posts xxx
What great timing - I have just been laughing at all of the #replaceawordinafamousquotewithduck posts on Twitter. Hilarious!
The cutest thing is those Indian(?) Runner ducks when they run. I also like the Peking variety, when they've stopped running ;)
As I read your post I relate, my husband outside cursing the snail trail "you wouldn't believe it, it's crazy out there" lol.
ducks hey!
My mom used to keep ducks and chickens. My favourite were the ducks, because the chickens pooed a lot and were just stoopid.
Enjoyed this post. Ducking my head in for a read from the DP blog carnival.
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