September 9, 2011


I took this photograph today.

The sweet little fella posed long enough for me to snap then away he went.

I love living in the country.....



Mrs Catch said...

I love Kookaburras too. But they really freaked my girls out when they were babies. I would pray for them not to laugh.

Lana from Farm Life Lessons said...

Awesome --- such great opportunities!

Farmers Wifey said...

@ Mrs Catch, don't they sound funny, they really's a great bush sound that I adore....

@ Lana, yes, I just spotted him and he waited and I snapped then he flew off!

Dreaming said...

I've never seen one... perhaps in a zoo when I was very young. But, I do remember the Kookaburra song from childhood: Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree.....
I'll be singing that all day and it will make me smile!

Farmers Wifey said...

@ Dreaming, they are really so I'll be thinking of you with that song in your head now!

John Rent said...

This picture is great. I bet living in the country is awesome but I can't imagine my life not in the city. How do you cope with it?

Foursons said...

I never realized they were real animals, I thought they were just part of a song sitting in a gum tree. I suppose now you're going to tell me gum trees are real too, aren't you?

Farmers Wifey said...

@ John, thank you! This is the first time I've ever live out of town and I can say I don't think I could live back IN town..I love it here, it's so peaceful and quite....Lots of wildlife, good and bad (snakes!) but we learn to adapt.

Saying that, I LOVE visiting big cities, and people watching.....but I love coming home...

@ Foursons.....gum trees are real. And we have heaps on our farm. And little koala bears love the gum trees, but we don't see alot of those here without having to go to a zoo, which is a real shame.....