I love the space, the clean air and the peace.
The early morning wake up call of the magpie, and the laugh of the kookaburra.
It's wonderful being only 8 minutes from town, and passing green paddocks with neatly lined bales of hay.
We stop the car in our long, steep driveway to say good morning to the kangaroos, who sit and watch us with interest.
I love the cows we see, who don't seem to have a care in the world.
My office is two minutes from the school, which comforts me. And I love knowing other people in our complex - in the newsagent, the cafe, the supermarket.
I love that our school is small with no more than 500 or so students.
The kids ride the quad bike and the motor bike around our 75 acre property while we sit on the deck of The Money Pit and watch.
The horses graze in the paddocks which always sets the country scene.
The little animals who pass through, pretty faced wallabies, echidnas and potaroos and the little possum who always stops by.
I love the normality of seeing a child on horseback going to school.
The kids wear their boots to play, and can get as dirty as they want.
And the fact that people don't stare if I wear my Akubra "to town".
We are waiting for our guinea fowl to nest and then we will have some babies to spoil.
I never thought living on a farm would be so sublime and that it would fit me so well.
Someday I want to sit and watch my grandchildren play. To let them know they can come "home" anytime.
I really feel this is where I belong. Our house will be a country house, with large wraparound verandahs that will just cry out for a wicker chair.
To me, the love of the country is in my genes even though this is the first time I've ever lived out of town. My mother and her family were born and raised in the country, and I really feel it has been passed on to me in some way.
And I've only just discovered this.
The most important thing of all is that even though we live in a shed, it still feels like home.

What a magic lifestyle - for you and your children - and their children.
Beautifully described too.
@ Mum on the Run, thank you. I really love it here, never thought I would. It was the fear of the unknown, I think..
home is where your heart is. It sounds to me like you're living 'my' dream. I hope to have space around us one day. for now, we're chugging along in the city. have a beautiful day. Jane x
@ Jane, the funny thing is I love the city - I get so excited when I visit somewhere big and busy.
I love people watching too!!!
I have and love all that too!! Bushbelles xo
Sounds magical.
@ Bushbelles, you love it too!! Awesome!
@ Vanessa, it is wonderful xo
I think your life is idea. What a wonderful place to grow up! Your kids are really lucky!
I hear you, feel exactly the same:)
riding horses to school, love that!
What a beautiful post. You're living (or embarking) on Joel's dream life.
absolute bliss.
I grew up in the country (but in town) my mum remarried and now they are on the farm.
I love to go there, home, retreat, relax.
I love that my kids get to experience that. Ride the tractor with pa.
And a little part of me would not be unhappy for a move to the country. There is just something appealing about it.
Your post reiterates that even more.
It sounds just beautiful, and perfect that you're not completely isolated hundreds of kilometres from anywhere!
Whenever we visit country towns on holidays I always feel a love for them, and a bit of a yearning to live the life someday. Time will tell!
Visiting you from DP blog carnival
I love yourblog, i am new to following you :) But am finding your posts very close to home. My husband,2 young boys & i have recently moved to our house that we purchased over 4 years ago, in the country, 5 hours away from the city we both grew up in, where all our family are & all our friends too. Like you we felt it was what we needed to do.It is hard adjusting (i grew up my whole life in the city). Thankyou for your lovely blog, it comforts me knowing someone from the city likes the country! x
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