October 5, 2011

House Update

Lots happening at The Money Pit this week!

The plumbers have been here, doing our septic and stormwater.

Our water tanks arrive in two weeks which will keep the boys busy for a little while longer.

The bathroom tiles are being delivered this Friday, and the tiler starts in two weeks.

The plasterer also comes back in two weeks to fit our cornice and do his final fit out and check, before the painter starts.

Our awesome carpenter has finished fitting the doors, and has now started on the architraves, the chair rails and the skirting boards. Don't they look amazing!

We decided on a special feature for under the windows called a "nosing" which just looks beautiful!

Considering it's only 11 weeks until Christmas (egads) we are striving to be finished by then.

We have a good schedule going on, so we are just sticking to that and hoping our time (and our money) doesn't run out!

Please wish us luck. I need my house!


Mum on the Run said...

Luck - and lots of it.
But really, you don't need luck. You have drive, goals, work ethic and humour - negating the need for luck.
And nosing. You have beautiful nosing.
This makes that countdown to Christmas extra special (and extra stressful) for you guys.
I can't wait to see the 'money pit' become home.

Dreaming said...

It is so much fun to see the progress you are making. Since we have as peak now and then, the progress is so very visible. From your end it may not seem to be going along as quickly!
Everything looks beautiful! Good luck with your schedule. Yikes...Christmas is that close?!!

Beck said...

It looks amazing, you are making great progress

Fingers crossed for you to have it completed for Christmas :)

BushBelles said...

Wow, very exciting, I bet you are chomping at the bit to get in there! Bushbelles xo

sevencherubs said...

Woo hoo! it is getting there and this update is awesome. Love that you are picking out wonderful additions that you love. N x

Unknown said...

My fingers will be crossed for you. Just imagine how great your Christmas will be in your new home!

Kellie said...

I really hope you get to spend this Christmas in your new home!
It's all coming together really well, can't wait to see it finished :)

Christy Franklin said...

Gah!!! It looks awesome!! Lets hope the builders and tradies stick to YOUR plan!!

Bri said...

Looking great! I love that feature on the windows.

Norlin said...

It's looking good so far. LOVING the features and the architraves. Plough on and fingers crossed it will all be done by Christmas. :)

Farmers Wifey said...

oh thank you lovelies!!!! I am so excited to think I may be posting arty pics as per country magazines showing my decorating talents!!!

angela said...

Its looking great, and Im sure it will be done with plenty of time for chrismas. fingers crossed.
I hope your back is feeling better too.

brismod said...

It's looking fantastic! Good luck for the Christmas deadline. I'm sure you'll make it! xx

Kate @ Puddles and Gumboots said...

It's looking good! Fingers crossed for you that it is done by Christmas

Farmers Wifey said...

aww you guys can come to my online house warming party...bring dip!!!!

Tara @ Mum-ments said...

eeeek its looking fabulous hun! fingers crossed you get to spend one fantastical christmas in a NEW home

Unknown said...

Looking good! Love those windows. How exciting.

Farmers Wifey said...

Thanks lovelies, it's progressing very well !

Dream House Trish said...

Looks great Michelle, love that nosing!!!

Farmers Wifey said...

Hi Trish, isn't the nosing divine!!

How are you.....?

Tina ~ Tina Gray {dot} Me said...

Ooh, how exciting! I'm loving these updates. I really like the extra details under the windows. Sending luck your way to keep on track for Christmas! x

Farmers Wifey said...

Tina, won't it be a lovely gift for me hehehehehe

Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...

Luck luck luck!

And I love love love it!

Farmers Wifey said...

And I love love love you....how are you lovely one??

You can come to my online house warming party and bring something spicy!

Kirsty said...

Its coming along so nicely Michelle!! I cant wait to see the finished result xx

Farmers Wifey said...

Thanks Kirsty, we actually now have plumbing pipes under the house. Getting some pics tommorrow.

Posh Totty said...

Looking good, keeping everything crossed you can be finished by Christmas Xxx

Farmers Wifey said...

Posh T! I really really hope we are in by Xmas, I can't wait to unpack all my stuff!!!

FoodMuster said...

Good Luck for sure!! I am so excited for you that the light at the end of the tunnel is drawing nearer! Don't forget to add one of your posts to my blog hop!

Anonymous said...

Hi, just started to read your blog, what fantastic detail inside the house. Anyway, I thought I would mention what helped me with my back problem- prolotherapy. I hurt my lower disc doing yoga over 25 years ago, then broke my tailbone in two spots about five years ago, then had stomach problems from anti-immflammitary tables. A good ostio helped and the injections of prolotherapy which strenghen the ligaments etc especially after having lots of kids. Look it up on the internet, I have only had minor problems since, even though the inital injections are pretty cruel-I'd go and by something afterwards, so have a nice cornishware collection happening. Good luck. Catherine