We sat inside and at the next table there was a mum with her two young children, probably aged around 3 and 4......
As I watched this mother, it brought back alot of memories for me.
She spent most of her time out of her chair, wiping a face, tending to a child out of their seat, or wiping up a spilt drink.
My kids sat and ate their meal, and were on their best behaviour (aged 6, 8 and 10).
As she walked past me while taking one child to the toilet for the 3rd time, her eyes met mine and we both smiled.
She said "look at your beautiful children, sitting there and behaving".....
And I replied "I've been where you are, I can guarantee you".......
I have been there...with my 3 babes under 4 years old - two in nappies, two with pacifiers (lovingly refered to as their "gars") a huge double pram and an equally sized nappy bag.
I remember........
- wishing the kids were old enough to feed themselves
- wishing the kids would sit still
- wishing the kids could be taken out in public without embarrassing me
- wishing the kids could entertain themselves for longer than 5 minutes
- wishing the kids would go to sleep at a respectable time
- wishing I could have a ful nights sleep
Wishing the time away, not realising that it goes so fast............
Now I find myself fondly remembering those times when my children were babies, and I'd give anything to have that again....
...those chubby cheeks
...warm snuggly baby hugs
...rocking my babies to sleep
...that amazing newborn scent
...soft wispy hair
...the amazing first steps
...breastfeeding and that exquisite closeness....
My children have grown so quickly, and the years have melted away, and they are now in another stage of their lives.
It's an exciting time, yes, but those first few years when I first became a mother will always be so special to me...
Don't wish the time away.
Enjoy every moment........

Image Credit

I agree with you, every mother has been there. When the children are little, they don't behave but when they start growing up they find their proper behavior and everything is okay!
That's beautiful.
It does go by in a flash.
And we can't get it back.
Precious day, these early ones.
so true. we've entred the next phase also, the one where the hormonal attitude has kicked in. Give me strength!!
Everything aside though Michelle, you have obviously put in the hard work to be getting the good results now. Jx
So true Michelle. I had four under 5, and well remember horror trips to town. Now, I can look back and laugh. I've been wanting to freeze time ever since they were born, thinking every stage was so wonderful. Now, I realise that all the stages are great, just different. But yes, time passes too quickly.
enjoy it because befor you know it you willbe like me. Home alone and the kids moved out and starting their own lives. I really wish I was back were you are sometimes.
So true, my children are teenagers and I'd do anything to wind the clock back. I was so busy when they were young I can hardly remember things and certainly didn't appreciate that special time. 6,8 and 10 are still young so treasure this time. x
So beautiful and so true. I look at my 19 and 18 year olds and think where has that time gone?! I remember wishing that they would hurry up and grow up. And now, with my 4 year old, I don't know if I have more patience or what, but I'm enjoying these little moments more.
Oh that's so beautiful.... guilty as charged!!
Ah the memories. I am past that stage as well but so clearly remember rushing around and cleaning up after the kids and never getting a moment to eat a bite myself. Love that you gave her some comfort. N x
You are so right. I often look at my boys and even though they are only 4, 6 and 10, they are not my babies anymore and it seems like the years have just flown by.
Beautiful post xxx
Oh you guys ♥ I knew this would make your hearts melt.....
oh this is just lovely! Thank you for sharing this, it does go just way too fast
Thank you Kate, I think the time is speeding up really..it seems like only yesterday I was holding my newborns......♥
Oh Michelle, this is beautiful. My two are still very young but the time has just disappeared, I can still remember meeting Sienna and becoming a Mum and that was almost 4 years ago - it feels like yesterday!
Now my little man is 16 months old and getting so big ......
better stop now!
The years are melting together, soon my kids will be going to high school...omg!!
Seems a bit of a theme today, the number of conversations and blog posts I've been in/read about how fast it all goes.
It's literally making me sad at the moment. That Alexander (who I feel started Prep a year or two ago) starts Grade 4 next year. I feel like it's all slipping through my fingers.
I noticed that as well, must be the end of the year making us all feel mellow ♥
You just made me cry! I have 3 under 5 and spend my days wishing they would grow up. I don't think I'm going to do that anymore :)
Why did I have to read this today?? Struggling with my beautiful girl finishing kindergarten this week and wanting to be given just a little chance to go back in time and snuggle with her as she slept on my chest. I watch mums breastfeeding and I still feel envious.
Lovely post x
It's so true. It was a lot easier when there was just one, but with 3 under 3 I did a lot of wishing they could feed themselves, amuse themselves.. But now Muffin is at school, Monster goes next year, and Bubba the year after. I will be very sad indeed, wishing I could turn back the clock.
I do wish they didn't need nappies anymore though lol
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