December 21, 2011

Love my Family ♥

What does this photo tell you?

A) There are no school notes, dancing notes, book lists, football game draws, tuck shop price lists, excursion slips, birthday party invitations so the year is nearly over and we can relax? Or

B) This weeks instructions for the family while I worked full time?

If you chose A) and B) you are right!

I was so glad to remove all of the school and sports paperwork from our noticeboard because during the last school term, it was overflowing.

I have such a sense of relief now it is clear.

And I've worked long hours all week and The Hubbster has been entertaining the kids.

I came home today and was thrilled to see that 4/4 of the jobs have been done!

100 percent completed!

I really appreciate my family looking after me by helping me with things while I am working.

Fish and Chips for tea everyone!!!


Mum on the Run said...

Hooray for school holidays - and compliant kids!!

Jane said...

Hi Michelle, there will be a similar list left on the fridge today at our house. it's nice to know i'm not the only one. Jx

E. said...

Hurray for helpful kids and husband!

My question is did it all get done in the last hour, though? I'm sure that's what would happen at my place.

Farmers Wifey said...

Okay to be truthful I didn't look I didn't criticise, I gave them 3 full days.......maybe, just maybe 2/4 jobs got done on the last day.....but meh, who's counting ♥

sevencherubs said...

Love it when the family pulls together to help out. Way to go family. N x

Unknown said...

Just want to say thanks for following my blog:) I am now a follower of yours as well:) I just started a new blog not even a month ago and you are my first follower:) You have a great blog and i hope i can have as many followers as you do one day:)

Kate @ Puddles and Gumboots said...

I think I need to start leaving more lists!! Yay for holidays though!

Motherhugger said...

I was very much enjoying putting notices in the recycling bin as events passed, and aiming for a clean board. BUT, on the last day of school we got a note about a permission slip and money to be returned in an envelope the first week back. And another form to be filled out for band.
Will we ever have a clean board??

SisterSister said...

Now you can relax? :) and enjoy the holidays

Farmers Wifey said...

@ Naomi, we are just so blessed to have wonderful families ♥

@ Jenn, thank you so much lovely, for your kind words! I'll be sure to check in on your blog x

@ Kate, lists are awesome! I need to do more :)

@ Motherhugger, are you serious? That's one organised school!!!!

@ Sistersister, and ditto to you my friend ♥