February 10, 2012

May the Force Be With You

Use the Force, Luke........

Time:  4.45pm

Place:  The Toy Section @ Kmart

Talent:  Darth Maul and  Darth Vader who mysteriously changes into a Clone Trooper.


brismod said...

That's my kids too. Funny! xx

LisaW said...

They look like they're having a ball!!

Farmers Wifey said...

I think ALL kids would love to do this!!!!

I hope no one was looking, I mean staff hehe

Norlin said...

Hahaha! My boy L-O-V-E-S Star Wars and I won't be surprised if he did that too...with ME! LOL!

Farmers Wifey said...

We are obsessed with Star Wars here, we are going to see the new movie at the cinema tonight!!! Actually it's an old movie lol

Foursons said...

This is totally my kiddos too. :) I wish we had Kmart here, they all closed down years ago.

Farmers Wifey said...

We always go to Kmart to play..me bad :)

River said...

They're so cute! I haven't seen any of the Star Wars movies, I really should.

Becci said...

One of the best things at Christmas is shopping alone with husband at Kmart and playing with all the toys. And he does this with our son at any chance of getting hold of a light saber.

Farmers Wifey said...

@ River, I've not really watched any either, only listened in when the kids are watching one..but now I have to watch them all...in order!

@ Becci, what's with the light saber...they all love them!

Maxabella said...

LOVE! Happy days to them both. x

Farmers Wifey said...

Great afternoon in Kmart..we had x