September 28, 2012

Busy Busy Time

The life of Farmers Wifey is a very busy one at the moment.  I'm like a tree with branches going everywhere and an apple on each one!

I haven't blogged for five days so that makes me a very bad blogger!

Instead this is what I've been doing:-

Miss D (aged 11) has been dancing at the Eisteddfod all week..coming away with a highly commended and a third place.  Farmers Wifey came away with a heavy heart filled with love and pride!

Mr C (aged 9) has now passed the halfway mark on his liquid diet!  His doctor and his dietician have both commented on how mentally strong he is, saying that they are so inspired with his strength and determination!

He will start taking meds soon, something which I'm worried about, as I don't like to give these to him, but I know he needs to have them...

Miss T (aged 9) has now decided that she wants to dance, as she is in love with our new dance teacher Miss Michelle, so I'll have two in tights very soon!

The Money Pit is really taking shape now, with the guys starting to sand the floors today.  They said that by Sunday they will have applied the first coat of polish, which will have me doing the happy dance!

We are so close to moving in, I can hardly believe it.  In fact, I won't believe it until I am sleeping in my new Antique White and Green painted bedroom.

I was thinking today that we really have come full circle - this time four years ago, I was lovingly packing my things away in big plastic boxes, getting ready to move to the farm.  Now only in a matter of weeks, I'll be unpacking them and decorating my beautiful new country home, which I have dreamed about for so long.

I am so excited about Christmas, and I'm already thinking about table decorations, our Christmas tree, and the emotional feelings I know I will have on Christmas Eve after waiting so long for our house to be completed.

It certainly has been a life changing experience, living in our shed, building our house, and coping with the never ending bad camping trip, while keeping our family sanity intact and our beautiful dreams alive.

It can be done.  It's amazing what a person can do with determination and patience.

As much as I can't wait to move into the house, I'll always remember our happy times in the shed.

Where Santa left gifts and the kids rode their bikes through storms.

It will always brings a smile.......


Anonymous said...

How exciting. You have always inspired me to be patient. We are in the midst of renovating and its hard work. Good luck and thank you. Giulia x

Mrs Catch said...

What a lovely post. I hope your son responds well to his meds and is feeling better soon. Can't wait for Christmas photos in the new home.

Farmers Wifey said...

Thanks lovelies, it's an exciting time! Hope you are doing well xo

Mum on the Run said...

It's all happening at your end.
You really are a super strong woman, Michelle.

Nat - Muddy Farmwife said...

Busy, busy. Exciting times ahead for everyone.
Hope the meds go ok for your son xox

All For Love said...

What a beautiful post. You have been very busy indeed. I still take my hat off to you & think it's amazing you have almost reached the end of such a long haul. Exciting times ahead. Your boy sounds like such a trooper, bless him xo

Mimsie said...

Congrats to Miss D on her dancing success and to Mr C for being so good about his treatment. So another dancer in the family...way to go!!
Can't wait till you move into your dream home.
All the best to everyone and look forward to more reports on everything.

Farmers Wifey said...

Thank you lovelies! xoxo

Kakka said...

I can't wait till you are snuggled in bed in your Antique White and Green bedroom, imagining the kids piled on the bed on Christmas morning sharing what Santa has bought and you with the biggest smile on your face. xxx