As we sit on the precipice overlooking the completion of The Money Pit, I find myself reflecting on the past four years, and I can't really believe that the time is nearly here.
Many times I've sat reading my country home magazines, dreaming of decorating my own home in the style that I love.
I stopped reading these magazines about two years ago, because at that stage, there was still so much to do, and I'd get frustrated and quite depressed that I couldn't see that finished product.
Well my friends, we are at the pointy end of the stick, so they say!
I remember when we first moved to the farm, the thought of exchanging my beautiful home in suburbia to a shed filled me with terror!! We cleaned and sorted and moved our furniture into the five small "dongas" that surrounded our shed.
I hated it.
Our children were 3, 5 and 7 and I was scared of snakes, spiders, frogs, dirt and dust! Most things went into storage and has been that way for four years.
So much has happened in the time we have been here. The last of my babies went to school, I started working again, my flame haired nanna passed away, and I lost another most wanted baby....
And of course this year, my son, with his diagnosis of Crohn's Disease, shocked us all.
What a journey it has been!
So many wonderful, amazing things have happened...
The kids could breathe in the fresh air, and discover the beauty of the Australian Bush. We have learnt teamwork, patience, understanding, did I say patience? and the ability to have a dream and work towards it.
We will be forever grateful for the many hands that have touched our house, and our hearts!
Although we are owner builders, we have been lucky to have the expertise of a number of tradesman including Don, Greg, Brendan, Jai, Scott, Bill, Bevan, Craig, Rob and Kane who have made our journey easier.
To Sparkmans Kitchens for my beautiful kitchen, and Northern Suburbs Timber Flooring for my amazing floors, and to Colin and Wendy, for just being the most amazing, inspiring and considerate family I could ever hope to ask for.
Of course not forgeting Gala Bathrooms and G James Glass.
And to my husband, the hardest worker and the one who has shared my dream of a beautiful country home for as long as I can remember.
Thank you x

I am so excited for you - you completely deserve your beautiful new home.
I love your story all the more because of your patience and all the saving you did for your dream house. Be proud girly, you did good!
Congratulations , living in a shed is damn hard....4yrs makes you a legend.
I ant wait to see those decorating mags replicated in your new home.
Hooray!!! Finally moving out of the shed! I bet you'll love your new home. What am I saying?! Of course you do! What a journey indeed. xx
This is so excited! I'm thrilled for you. Hope the hardworking husband gets to see this, and you get lots of kisses for being so sweet. xxxx
Are the children excited? What are their thoughts of moving on from the shed?
Thanks ladies!!!! It's all getting so exciting out here! xo
The kids can't wait, they want their own bedrooms and their own space! Remembering that we have all been sleeping in the same room for 4 years and they were little when we moved there!!!!
Another challenge perhaps x
I canNOT wait to see your next adventures unfold here!!
Yaaaay!! :-) x
I am so excited for you, Michelle :) May the reward for your waiting be as awesome as you've dreamt of!
Thank you lovelies!!!!!! and I'm so happy to be sharing this with you x
I am getting so excited as the BIG day draws near. I honestly feel thinking of all that has happened to you during those 4 years that you are an even stronger person than you were when the big decision was made. I just want to be there when moving day arrives and I just know it will be a dream coming true for all of you. xxx
oh thank you x You are so sweet, and I'm so happy to have shared this with you xx
Wow - I am excited for you! You have certainly been brave and had many challenges but you've kept that dream in sight :-) I have always wanted to live in a more rural environment but here I am still in suburbia - but at least by the bay. I look forward to reading more of your country adventures :-)
Thank you so much, and welcome xxx
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