So many things swirling around in my mind.
So much happening, my life is never truly dull! We are this close to moving into The Money Pit!
Just waiting on that final piece of paper that says "Farmers Wifey, the four years you have lived in a shed, and coped with this neverending bad camping trip, is finally coming to an end"!
When I have that official letter in my hand, I will know that we have done it! Our dream house will be finished! I can unpack! I can decorate! I can have a bath!
But the house hasn't been on my mind this week. Mr C (aged 9) and I have spent three days in Brisbane at the Royal Childrens Hospital. You may remember that he has recently been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease.
He had two procedures scheduled, the first being an iron infusion, and the second, a pillcam endoscopy, where a small camera is placed, and travels through his body recording the images.
We need to see if the 7 week liquid diet adequately rested his bowel enough to make a difference to the little ulcers throughout his small bowel.
Yesterday was very traumatic. The doctor who "tried" to put the IV in his arm, needle pricked his artery, which resulted in alot of tears (me) screaming (Mr C) and too much blood running down his arm.
His arm went white and stiff, and his fingers were numb. It was not right. Mr C was in so much pain, and my heart just about broke in two.
In the end, the IV had to come out, and Dr Nick, who is awesome by the way, successfully (and painlessly) put the IV in Mr C's hand and all was well.
I hated this. I hated seeing my son in pain, and knowing that he trusts me completely......trusts that I make the right decisions for him. If I could trade places with him, I would in a heartbeat.

This breaks my heart. Sending you and your son strength to cope with his illness and all the pain. The RCH is wonderful though. You're in a good place. Email me for coffee anytime. We're there VERY regularly.
Very very sad for you and him of course. Hoping very much that the resting diet has worked. The poor kid and you guys of course. Here's to a wonderful bath for you and everything else that goes with moving into the money pit. Taking pleasure in the little things.
So very sorry your son is going through this (and you). Wishing you well.
Michelle, I feel your pain. As a mother our heart breaks for these precious boys.
Here is something to giggle about. We are about 6 tins short of Modulen, Regans formula. I asked for another script so I could pick it up from the hospital yesterday. They only work in month supplies, they gave me sixty tins!!!!!! Stacey
Thank you lovelies for your kind words, I think my son is over the bad day, I don't think I'll forget about it for a while :(
Stacey, oh my, you have enough there for an entire year!! Hope Regan is doing okay xo
That truly is a heartrending story for anyone to read, especially if one is a mum. I know my daughter went through some trying times when trying to diagnose what was wrong with her #2 daughter and that same daughter has had trying times with her lass who was injured in a traffic accident when she was nearly 5. Those happenings are always with you and yes, we mums always wish we could stand in place of our children when such things occur. How soon will you know if that 7 week diet did any good. Fingers crossed that it did. xx
How traumatic for both of you!
Praying the results are good!
Poor loves.
My heart goes out to both of you amazing troopers.
Thanks lovelies, we are back home, and the memory is fading...I hope x
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