27 Oct 2008 - first meal in the shed.
29 Nov 2012 - official move in date.
Actually, in true Farmers Wifey fashion, we are moving into The Money Pit slowly, taking bits and pieces up to the house and taking our time. Why are you not surprised!
It is literally two steps from the shed to the house, and tonight we carried up our big timber table, and the eight matching chairs, the two cupboards for the pantry (as we haven't completed the built in shelving as yet), and all of the kitchen "stuff".
The kids sat at the table and did their homework, while I pottered around packing things away and then getting them out again and moving them to another place! I have so much storage I have some kitchen drawers with only one thing in them and I love it!
So we are showering and will be cooking and eating in the house now, and next week we are buying the kids their new beds so we will be sleeping there too. I think it will actually take weeks to get organised and sort through everything we have in storage...
I've been feeling quite emotional, and I think it is because we have been building this house for over four years and the shed has been our home. We have such fond memories, and the kids have had four birthdays here and have gone from being three little ones to 7, 9 and 11 year old farm kids.
I think we will have to retrain them to not run in the house, use their inside voices, and absolutely under no circumstance will there be footballs allowed inside. If only to prevent a repeat of the Football in the Lasagne Episode.

Looks absolutely gorgeous! Happy Moving Day!!!
Looks gorgeous! Congrats!!!! Enjoy the weekend...
I LOVE your dining setting! I see similar ones in sales catalogues and drool over them every time.
I just know you are going to spend weeks and weeks rearranging your kitchen stuff and enjoying every minute of it!
WOW - congratulations. You must be feeling incredible.
I wish there was a way to make a huge smiley face for you and your family and your accomplishment! :-))))))
Your house looks amazing!
Bettina @ http://littleoldsouls.blogspot.com
Thank you lovelies, I thought this day would never come! xo
It looks gorgeous. Hope the move in has gone smoothly.
Yay!!! I am sure you are going to just be pinching yourself over the next few months at the luxury of the house, the house, the house!!!
I am sure you will have a fabulous Christmas in your new house!
WOW! It looks absolutely stunning, how exciting Michelle! I can imagine there is a great deal of emotion involved, but moving into that lovely home must be a great comfort too. Enjoy wearing it in :) xo
Looks amazing! You must be so excited. Just in time for Christmas too! xo
Oh how pleased I am for you my friend. That dining suite is beautiful. I had to smile when you spoke of retraining your kids about how to live in a real house after 4 years in the shed. You are going to have a wonderful Christmas in your new home. This is your reward for 4 difficult years which you sailed through so wonderfully well. :)
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