These beautiful flowers were waiting on my desk at work today. Thank you Hubbster, I love.....
Yes, today is Valentine's Day. A day for, chocolates, heart shaped pillows and last minute gift buying!
I've noticed a shift in the perception of Valentine's Day. In our family at least.
This morning I added to the kid's lunchboxes, a little chocolate and a note wishing them a Happy Valentine's Day.
Miss T (aged 7) gave her best friend a box of chocolates and brought home a cute fluffy teddy bear and a rose for her room.
Miss D (aged 12) shared a big box of chocolates with her friends.
I love that my kids celebrate Valentine's Day as a day to show how much they care for others, not just the day that Daddy brings Mummy flowers and she gives him an equally impressive gift.
They have taken the lead with this, and I think it's just.......lovely.

Awww...that's so sweet. Hubby & I don't celebrate V'Day. Ok, his choice more than mine. Whatever. But I did receive a Valentine's Day card from Master 7. :)
We don't REALLY celebrate Valentine's Day but this year hubby did buy me a bunch of yellow flowers for my desk and I bought him a single red rose. I also made the kids some little choc dipped wafers with a love note. My son refused to take them to work thoough. Hehe.
It's kind of sweet that your kids are sharing chocolates with their friends, but Valentine's Day is more for lovers, for sweethearts. Married couples too of course.
Oh, what beautiful flowers and you enjoy them more than many people would. We now in our 80s don't celebrate V/day but just say Happy V/day to each other. We did have Chinese take away for dinner so perhaps that was a tiny celebration of the day.
Nice for kids to recognise the day but when I was young I didn't even know there was such a day but then way years can do that.
Sorry I meant to say you deserve them more than.....and I know you enjoy them too. lol
Thats lovely Michelle, my hubby generally spoils me as well but this year we opted not to, instead we had a pizza night with some lovely friends. My 10yr old son gave his girlfrien a teddy, a bracelet, a cute card & wrote her a poem, a little romantic, its beautiful!!!
I hope it was a special day for you guys, looks like it was x
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