No, these are not describing words on my son's spelling list, but rather the sway in my moods this past week.
Try putting those words into sentences -
The mummy was tired from too many late nights.
The mummy felt emotional at the thought of leaving her little babies for two weeks.
The mummy was very cranky because she had PMS.
The mummy was feeling overwhelmed at everything she needed to do before her big trip to America.
It's hard work getting ready to be away from the family for 2 weeks, and although it's not a long time there are certain things that only I can do (cut tablets into quarters, pack three lunchboxes in 6 minutes, braid long hair for school, find matching football socks).
The Hubbster is very self reliant, and I have no doubt the kids will be fed, bathed and taken care of with plenty of Bunnings sausage sizzles thrown in, but I'm not sure about the school socks situation because those things just disappear into some weird twilight zone, so if you see my kids with unmatched socks, well he's doing the best that he can under the circumstances.
I've also had to work longer hours to make sure all is in order there, plus drive the kids to the usual sports and dancing. And of course, Miss D (aged 12) is singing, dancing and acting in this, on the four nights just before I fly out on Monday, so it's been rehearsal aplenty!
So all of this means I haven't really sat down and thought about what I'm doing next week. It's true I bought my ticket to Blogher13 last October, but you know how time ticks on, and suddenly you're at the starting gate ready to go....but you're really not ready? Does that make sense?
I've had 16 years to think about America, to daydream about going back, and now I'm so close, it's almost surreal. I still can't believe that I'll have two weeks just for me. I wish my family were coming with me, what an amazing experience for the kids! I'll probably cry alot, from missing them to just being in awe of everything.
So this week, I've decided to calm down, regroup, and really think about what I'm doing, because I've waited a long time for this. I'm so excited, so prepare yourself for photos of one very happy Aussie!
Here's one of me from the last time I was in America, impersonating the Governor of Tennessee. As one does.

I cannot wait to follow your adventure Michelle.
You will have a ball.
Wished I was going with you as originally planned Michelle. But, I know you'll have lots of fun, learn lots of new things and meet lots of fab people. xx
I promise all the stress will be absolutely worth it! :D We're going to have a BLAST!
I think you'd make a good Governor. You certainly look the part.
Seriously though, glad you are calming down this week and taking the necessary deep breaths.
Of course you are excited and worried, all rolled into one. You will miss your family and worry about them, especially THOSE socks.
You are off on another wonderful adventure and will have a ball and we will all be here awaiting news of it on your return as will your family. Enjoy it all. xx
With a capital C !!!!!!
Oh you guys!! Thanks for coming along for the ride, I'll post lots of pics x
OMG you are so going to have the most amazing time!!!!!! xx
Thank you lovely! I better start packing!! xo
Ha I understand all those cranky blah blah moments and I'm not going anywhere, it's just another day in the life here. but yes I'll be following along for the dream of it.
have fun.
Oh thanks Mandy! xo
It was great meeting you at BlogHer! So where is your recap post? Or have you not left the US yet? :P
I went to America in June 2009 and it was just amazing! Just read about your trip as well and I relate to that feeling of awe.
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