Of course this quote is to build to lockup and we will continue from there. And we are not the only lunatics doing this as I found whilst perusing a owner/builder forum the other day. A lady posted who is getting their home built to lock up by a builder, then they will continue on as owner/builder from there AND her hubby was in the same trade as The Hubbster. Spooky. I actually thought she was me..
So The Hubbster is stressing, worrying about everything because it's a huge step, but I am happy and excited because there could be a end in sight to my shed living arrangements. We expect the build to lockup will take about 10 weeks, then we can carry on and do what we can each month. It's not the best way to do things, but we haven't yet won the lottery and we are not rich (in the monetary sense), so this is how it has to be. Just call it a work in progress. I may have a garden in two years time. Or maybe my craft room in one. But what an experience it will be..

Yea!!! Congrats!
That's awesome! I'm glad it has all worked out and you have the builder you wanted :) I will keep my fingers crossed it all works out and am looking forward to the progress pictures!
I am soooo happy for you!
I am stunned at the amount of homes that continue to be built, even as I type my neighbor is being evicted, and they are only leasing the house! Turns out the bank auctioned it out from under the owner and left the renters high and dry...
On a good note I am storing a piano...bad think it's so out of tune I can't even practice scales!
What an exciting step! I remember when my oldest sister started her house, at first they thought it would never get done....and it took much longer than they ever thought possible...but they're done and so happy with their finished product and this great accomplishment that they stuck with and finished.
First step in your project. :)
Yay Michelle! Bet you are so happy - finally some progress!
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