November 18, 2009

Officially a Working Mother...and getting paid for it!

Wow, it's been one week since I wrote, but I have good reason.

I am officially a Working Mother! Well, I have always been a working mother, but now I'm getting paid for it!

I have been thinking about getting part time work, once Miss T goes to school full time next year. But this opportunity just fell into my lap, and I can't let it go.

I am back in my previous career, which surprises me because I always said I wanted to have a change. But good working conditions, job flexibilty, and being only 2 minutes away from the school has swayed me.

I was offered this position last Friday, and I started work two days ago. I worked Monday and Tuesday, and today is my day off! And I am appreciating that! Miss T and I went shopping, made muffins, coloured in and watched Cinderella.

I am working part time, school hours, two or three days a week. It's very flexible. I can still do the school drop off and pick up, have a couple of days off during the week, work in an air conditioned office and spend some time out in the field. It's a quiet country office, and I already know the two ladies who work there. Can it get any better?

My job can be stressful, but I am a different person now, to when I worked before the kids came along. The environment, and workload will be different, and I have a good attitude and enthusiastic approach to helping people. (This sounds like a job application letter, and to those people who didn't bother returning my calls about work I enquired about, suck it up! You missed me!)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job! Don't you love it when things just work out the way you want them to?

Foursons said...

Yea! Congrats! I bet it is doing wonders for you psyche too- being able to get out there and feel like someone other than Mom. Awesome!

My weight loss journey said...

Hey! Congrats to you!!

Liz Mays said...

Wow! That was a quick turnaround! Congratulations!

Doodles said...

That is wonderful. It's always nice to be able to work outside the house even if it's just to see a different set of walls. Maybe that is just my opinion cause I work from home and I am alays wanting to get out a little.

jeanie said...

That is excellent news, Farmers Wife!!

Nothing nicer than getting validation within school hours with pay - and a few days off a week.

Wins all around, I say!

Farmers Wifey said...

thanks everyone xx

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Good for you! I'm still struggling with the whole not bringing home an income thing, though I cherish the time I have with my little dude!

News From Our Nest said...

Congratulations!! That is very exciting!

mayberry said...

Congratulations! Have been out of the loop for awhile, such great news to come back to!