I also wanted to send a shout out to you, my 52 beloved, faithful followers. I never thought so many people would think I was talking anything but shit, but there you go. I really really appreciate you being part of my blog world..
I managed to remove the permanent marker from Miss T's face, with a bit of scrubbing and yelling (both of us), so her face is back to being gorgeous and unflawed.
I have sold 10 baby guinea fowl to 2 good homes and I made $82.00, so I am thrilled about that. We let the mumma keep 4 babies....now we have one more grown up missing so we are expecting our 3rd batch of guineas any day.
School goes back next week. For some reason I thought we still had another full week of holidays so now I am behind with getting their school things organised and I have a sore throat and feel like crap so it will be a chore to get it all done.
Speaking of school stuff, you will remember my crazy, unhinged recent posts about my do it yourself project, and how I deleted it all including the photos etc etc. Well, my newest best friends, Jarod and Liz managed to save my post, so here it is again, in all it's glory. I bet you are super impressed about this and can't contain your excitement any longer.
"So Christmas and New Year are over. The decorations are put away and it's about time to start thinking about getting the kids back to school.
This means books. School books. Covering these books. I don't know about mums in America, but here in Oz, most mums cover the school books with contact. With a range of themes available (think anything from Barbie to Ben 10 to Winnie the Pooh) it's the thing to do.
Well, I've had enough. Usually I sit myself down with the tv on, a glass (bottle) of wine, the books and the dreaded contact. And I say dreaded because it is an absolute pain in the butt to work with. It's sticky, and it sticks to your fingers and anything else that gets in its way. It bubbles up, so it looks untidy by the 20th book, because by then, you don't give a damn how good the book looks, you just want this hell to be over.
Now that I am not drinking (day 22 thanks very much) I decided not to put myself through this agony and come up with something different. Easy. Stressfree. Manageable. So I present to you a step by step guide to covering school books without feeling like sticking needles in your eyes through the stress of using fucking contact.
I don't even think I will write instructions here, as the photos speak for themselves and I have saved some of my sanity (by the way, I have finished the books in a clear contact which is not the same as the themed annoying contact). Note the pile of uncovered books in the corner *sigh*."
Yes, I agree. It's lost some of it's oomph! and I haven't even photos to back up the project.
I'm floggin a dead horse here. Goodnight.

I love the new design! Great job!
As a faithful follower I'm waving at you. *waving*
So glad Miss T's face is flawless once again. :)
And yea for $82!
It looks Gorgeous! Hope you feel better, nothing worse than a sore throat and congratulations on your day 22! I think you deserve an award for actually getting that permanent marker off, that is an achievement in motherly determination!
I love your new look blog. Well done - brave women - I'm hopeless with that kind of thing. :)
Your blog is looking really nice, you have done a great job tarting it up.
So glad you got the marker off Miss T's face!!
CJ xx
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