But we appreciate that she can visit, even though it's only for a week at a time. She's such a hard worker, she doesn't stop. She was supposed to be here relaxing and taking a break, but we woke on her last morning to this:-
She had finished all of my washing, that had been literally overflowing from these baskets for weeks as I struggled with a family who go through more costume changes than an awards ceromony presenter. In fact my 7 year old son is the worst, he would change his clothes at least 3 times a day, and matey that's gonna stop in 2010! Just warning you now if you read this. Which he won't, sorry I digress and ramble.....
Anyway, she did all of my washing, we shopped, did lunch with the kids, drove around the property, and settled on the couch every night with our tv, our chocolate and our magazines.
School goes back in two weeks time. So after the big Christmas rush it's now time for the big Back To School Rush, commonly known as the Let's Give The Retailers Some More Of The Money We Don't Have Rush. It's very expensive to send kids to school these days. I have three so its three times everything, mostly. New school bags, lunchboxes, textbooks and stationery, as well as uniforms for Miss T who will be starting Prep this year.
Once the kids are back at school and settled, I will be officially starting my part time job, and we can really get stuck into the house and get things moving on that front. The order of jobs to be done is:-
Oil the deck
Paint the house exterior
Line the verandah soffits
Then either start on the electrical and plumbing rough in OR
Build the exterior stairs and verandah railings.
Then we will be about 3/8 closer to moving in. So you see, we still have SO much to do before even considering living there, and I am getting antsy and impatient but I just have to wait. It's hard living in a crappy shed with our house right next door.
The guinea babies are doing well, except for the stiff one on the bottom of the cage this morning. She's obviously having a bad day!!
I don't really know what happened to this one, she was acting sick and lethargic yesterday and was gone this morning. So we have 14 babies, that I am trying to sell, I'll keep half and sell the rest.

Sorry about the dead Guinea. I really don't care for them but I hate to see anything die. I once had someone send me a picture of a guinea and tell me "Look I had a wild turkey by my house" I hated to burst her bubble but I did.
Good luck with the weight loss- it sucks trying to lose it. I much prefer the gaining part, just not the effects of the eating all I care to eat until I explode.
I agree with Foursons - gaining is much more fun. I should be living in the French Painting era. You know... those curvy gals had game.
Happy you had a good visit.
After reading all those chores, I need a nap!
weight loss sucks...dont u wish you could just do a fat transfer..you know like you transfer money. Hello, I'd like to make a deposit from my tush to my boobs..I feel your pain. My baby is 6 and I'm still trying to lose the LAST 25 pounds..Good Luck!
i lOVE that you have swapped sugar + grape flavour *winks* for sugar, fat, & cocoa butter .....luv luv it hehe ;) xx
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