I'm just so predictable. You already know I'll write about my trip to America. I"ve already done this here and here. I really don't want to write about anything else but America.
I had always been fascinated with this country, and planned and booked my trip 12 months in advance. The people, the architecture,the food, the scenery and the friends I met will stay with me forever. It seems surreal, at times, to think that I was actually there.
I read all I can about America, I browse through holiday brochures dreaming about visiting again, and enter competitions in the hope of winning trip.
It was such a big, big thing for me to travel - overseas/alone/on my first big trip. I nearly didn't walk through the gates at the airport, as I was so fearful of the unknown. Every moment was an adventure. Everything I did and saw will stay with me forever.
I sometimes think I am obsessed because I think about my time in America alot. Even now after nearly 14 years. I would love for you to click on the above two links and share in the joy that America offered me.

Awwww!!! As an American, it's actually really heartwarming to hear a positive about our country. I always hear how other countries hate us. I'm so glad you liked our country and hope you'll be able to visit again soon!!!! Now, off to check your 2 links :O)
Stopping by from Mama Kat's!!
Have a great day!
Thank you for the great post it is great to hear positive feed back.
Well, come back again!!!! Maybe BlogHer and meet us!
I love my country too! Very much. It is funny though, how we take things for granted...I've lived here all my life but to hear it through your experiences makes it that much better! Thank you!
What a great post, it makes me feel lucky to live in America! I am always so worried about booking my own trips out of the here for adventure, sometimes I forget we have those things right inside the US borders!
Hey wife...thanks for stopping by!
So glad you enjoyed our little country :) There really are some great places here...now if I only had the time to visit them!
Stop back soon.
Wow, I envy your trip! You've seen more of America than I have! :)
Very cool post. I would love to go to Australia or New Zealand (which would you reccomend?) Hey do you wan to trade houses like in the movie The Holiday? Only think though is you would have to take my kids. You don't mind do you?
It's nice to hear someone say something nice about America! It is a great country with lots of neat things to see and cool places to visit. But I just have to say....I would LOVE to visit Australia!
I guess the grass is always greener on the other side!
Maybe one day I will get to visit Australia and you will get to come back to America!
I wish I could visit Australia :) but I love my America and can see why you would too!
wow I can't believe a non american actually likes america! hah.
I want to go to australia bad!
I wanna play with the plastic money and snag a 'roo!
I'm so glad that you visited and enjoyed your experience. I'd love to see Australia, do the touristy and non-touristy stuff.
Visiting from Mama Kat's
And I'd love to see Australia! I'd say we could trade houses like they did in the movie, "The Holiday" but I live in a small (sleepy, boring) town in Arizona so it might not be that exciting for you. How 'bout we both meet up for a fun-filled trip to NY instead. I know I could use it.
I too Long to visit America.
My Mum took me when I was a child (Florida, New York then Canada). Just like you I loved everything about the place and long to go back someday.
Thankyou for visiting my Blog today and I hope you dont mind me visiting your Blog again soon x
Even though I live in America, there is still so much that I haven't seen and experienced here. And then I think about other countries and realize there is so much more.
This made my heart swell with pride. I love our country. Our neighbor Shoshi is from Bangladesh. His Mom and Dad have a mansion there. Servants. A beautiful life. But they gave that all up to come here and work for $7 an hour.
I am thankful.
Stopping by from Mama Kat's to say Hi! Thanks for stopping by my place too! I saw Kimmy's comment up there and I agree...there is so much America bashing, that it is nice to hear someone actually want to come here again. I for one want to go to Australia BAD! I hope our next big trip is Australia - I tried to go before baby #2 was born (OK - your profile said Australia, so as I am going on about it...I sure hope that is where you are!) but we didn't make it. I have had a pen pal there since I was in 3rd grade (I am going to blog about her in the next few weeks) and we lost touch last year (boo-hoo). I am going to go check out your other links.
504 Main
America is such a huge big country that you could visit 10 times and a have a different experience every time. OF course, that is probably true for most places.
Thanks for the visit earlier!
Very nice! Hope you can come again sometime! Here from Mamakats!
It's sure nice to hear you love America and had a good trip here. You are very brave to travel overseas alone--I couldn't imagine doing that!
Thanks for commenting on my blog today!
I wanna go there, you wanna come here....why not just switch for a couple of weeks? Instead of a wife swap we'll do a country swap? Sounds good right?
It is great to hear someone else point out the great things about our country. I think we have grown accustom to all the things we have and don't see them as the treasures they really are. Thank you to pointing them out to me.
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