Following on from my last post with the photo...drumroll please...
It is my best blue linen tablecloth - the only one I have that fits my big square dining table.....with a purple texta mark gracefully ruining it.
I haven't tried washing it yet, maybe the markers are water based and the stain will just magically disappear. Somehow I doubt it.
My mood at the time:- Pissed off.
My mood now - meh! I suppose I should just be happy that my kids sit around this table and draw and colour and write and bond. Who cares if I want just some degree of class and poshness in my life and my shed.

Try some oxi-action stain remover, failing that, dye the whole cloth purple hehe!! ... okay so maybe not such a good ide, but had to think of something lol
Hey a purple table cloth sounds fantastic. Or maybe go black, now black can also be classy.
Nearly every surface in my house has pen or paint marks somewhere.
I gave up years ago when my oldest was learning to write. My first piece of new furniture was an oak dining table I loved. I had it 2 weeks before my eldests' name was carved forever on it from pressing so hard thru the paper. It looks like an art drop cloth now but I wouldn't trade it for the world:)
I so understand. I would love some poshness in my own life, but alas, that will never happen. I can dream, though, can't I?
Do you have exit?(i think that's what it's called) a little yellow bar of soap from howards storage, some kitchen shops sell it. It gets most texta out - especially if it hasn't been washed/been washed only once and you have a go at it with in a couple of days.
Or try a little tie dying perhaps???
Hi there,
It's Brenda here, I just wanted to extend a personal invitation to you to join The Australian Mummy Bloggers site. Here's the link:
See you there.
PS. Hilarious post!
Okay, there is something about an Australian mom blog that seems like 1,000 cooler than a normal, American mom blog.
Sorry to hear about the stain. I wish I had a suggestion, but alas I am just a moronic man.
Hi there! Thank you for your comment on my blog. Just popping in to say I bought my own domain but it is still hosted by blogger. I haven't a clue about self hosting! I moved mainly because my url was totally different to my blog name and I wanted them to match up so people could find me easily if they did a google search.
I am happy to help if you want a detailed account of what i did. Just drop me an email.
Great blog by the way. Sounds like we have a lot in common!
Aw, sorry about your tablecloth!
At least you're not angry anymore! You probably won't even remember it in a year. Well, at least maybe you can laugh at it. :)
Ugh. I have more than one thing ruined by stains like that! Hope you figured some way to get it out!
And thanks for stopping by my blog the other day! It's nice to meet you! :)
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