May 29, 2010

Some Parents Ppfftt!

So can you see anything wrong with this photo? Take a good look:-

That's right! That poor child is not strapped into the chair securely. That baby could fall out!

Those parents are not thinking clearly at all!


Kate said...

OMG!! i can't look...

Veronica Foale said...

Oh I giggled! Needs more duct tape obivously.

Jason, as himself said...


Tracie said...

OMG! I'm having a panic attack!

Cheeseboy said...

Ha ha! This is almost as bad as that two year old that was smoking on youtube the other day.

Confessions of a Closet Hoarder but you can call me Judy said...

I couldn't do it. Even if the snake was full from just having eaten a full grown cow! ACK!

Hayley said...

Some parents are just plain idiots! Unbelievable! Where's DOCS when you need them?!

helloally said...

seriously and what would they have done if the damn snake had started to eat the poor baby huh!!! .. it could polish off that baby like that *snaps fingers* w u k f i t s (pardon my language michelle ;) )

News From Our Nest said...

Sigh .. you and your snake pictures!

Kakka said...

ROFL - just precious. Thanks for sharing.