July 31, 2010

What is it? It's a???

Last night, Mr C (aged 7) woke me around 4am to take him to the toilet. As we are living in a shed, while we build The Money Pit, our usual trek to the toilet involves, walking out of the sleeping area, into and through the shed, around the back to the toilet block and while walking looking up at the amazing stars we can see...

It was a very foggy night. We could hardly see in front of us. All of the bushland around us was covered in thick fog....

As I tucked Mr C back into bed, I happened to look out of the window to the area between the house and the pool. We have cleared this area, so I was surprised and perplexed to see something. There.

Remember the fog is very thick. The area was eerie and spooky in the early morning before dawn.

I could see a big figure. Too big for a person (and we live out of town, out of sight of the road, so we get no strange visitors), but definately a ghostly "thing".

Now The Hubbster is at work on night shift and my mind started to wander...

First I thought, "this could be a big mother of a kangaroo"

Then I thought, "perhaps it's a cow". Although we don't have cattle yet.

I was staring at it, hoping beyond hope it doesn't move. I just couldn't figure it out.

I jumped into bed and pulled the blankets up past my chin. I then thought it's probably some ghoulish, scary monster, not unlike the one out of the book Gerald's Game
by Stephen King, which to this day remains the scariest thing I have ever read......

Could it be one of those, out of my wild imagination, just like in this book? Although, is it imaginary??....I slowly drifted off to sleep feeling very uneasy and worried.

I woke around 7am and charged to the window, and realised it was not a big mother of a kangaroo. Or some random cow.

I had been freaked out by a tree. Here it is.

Look if you dare.


Veronica Foale said...

Hahahahaaaaa. Haaaa. Cough. Ahem.

If it makes you feel better, I probably would have done the exact same thing.

helloally said...

LMFFAO michelle hahaha love it!

Toni said...

heeheehee I think we've ALL been there.
You were brave to go back to bed though. I would have shut myself in a cupboard if I had started thinking about Geralds' Game.

HAHAHA and my word verification thingy is TREFUL

So Now What? said...

Hahaha, I don't blame you. I would be freaked out already with or without unthreatening tree. :)

Foursons said...


Kakka said...

ROFLMAO - sounds like something I would do. Nice to see you get the Japanese spam too - what is with that I wonder. xxx

One Photo said...

Very funny! I never used to get spooked being on my own but now if my husband is away I find sometimes I do - is it being a mother that does it I wonder?

Stephanie said...

Bwhahaha That is so something I would do! Glad it wasn't a killer Kangaroo:)

Anonymous said...

Shapes look so much different in the darkness. But I wouldn't want to have been there all the same! LOL

CJ xx

Being Me said...

Wow, your spam is deep, man.

That is some scary tree! ;)

ComeBackKid said...

HAHAHAHA! Love it!!

Nikki @ Styling You said...

Well, that's one scary looking tree. I'd have weed my pants x

Hear Mum Roar said...

ROFL!! Love it

Brenda said...

And that is why you have to lay off the "hallucinogens". I joke, I joke. Thanks for the laugh, FW.

PS. Thanks for participating in the carnival.xx

Christie said...

Hahaha that absolutely cracked me up. I'm sure I have done that exact thing...my hubby can't believe I am still scared of the boogy man.