Because of this, and because of the passion I still have, dance will always be a part of my life.
May I blow my own trumpet for just a bit, because, yes I was good. Damn good. I could have gone all the way, but my dance partner gave up and I discovered boys, pretty much at the same time.
At the moment, I'm trying to negotiate my way around Zumba, trying to make sexy look easy....I'll get back to you on that one....
Please watch the following video until the end....words to describe - awesome, magical, amazing. YOU decide.

I have no doubt you are one very talented woman, what else have you got up your sleeve? hehe Geat vid
I love it! totally made me wanna get up and shake what my mamma gave me
That clip is now on my favourites list. LOVE it!
That is one of the best compilations I've seen! Thankyou for sharing it, it is wonderful! I am totally impressed with your dancing skill too :) I'm not very coordinated in that arena but my 5 year old has been dancing for 2years now and thankfully she is :) and she loves it!
Love it! I think I've seen almost every movie featured in it too :D
Of course, I didn't know that about you, but I think it's healthy to toot our own horn once in awhile.
Watching that video made me realize that Jack Black is the most underrated dancer of all time.
I should have taken more dance lessons!!! =)
Get thee to a dance lesson. Love it. I have linked you back on my blog. This should be everyone's getting ready music and film clip. Thanks for sharing.
THAT!! was friggen awesome!! ...tfs :)(i wish i could link it to my fb profile tho m lol)
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