October 27, 2010

Two years in the shed

I'm so tired and behind with everything at the moment. You should see my "to do list" I plan to publish in November..it will scare the pants off you.

I've recently started working 3 days a week. And I totally take my hat off to full time working mums as I don't know how you do it and run a household at the same time.

I worked yesterday and the day before, and went straight from work to collect the kids from school then into town for dancing. The Hubbster was working day then night shift so he wasn't home. We got home around 7pm and the dishes were still in the sink and the clothes were not hanging on the line.

I always thought the housework fairy came in and did all of that while mums were at work? Where the hell is she?? Did she lose my address? Doesn't she work out of town?

Today is my day off, as I am back at work tommorrow and I have a course on Friday. I was looking forward to today, just to regroup, to pay some bills, do the washing, sort out "stuff" and just have some peace.

That's what I like about living on our farm. I can come home here and it is blissfully quiet. I can sit on the lounge in my butt imprint and watch Oprah and eat a muffin. For an hour. Which is probably not a good idea because my work pants are getting a little tight.

I had no idea Oprah caused weight gain??

We celebrate another milestone today as it is two, yes TWO years living in our shed. I can't quite believe it. Hopefully before the tween turns into a teenager, we will have our house.

You can read about our 12 months anniversary here


Christine Macdonald said...

My pants are getting tight too. Damn that Oprah.

Happy 2 year anniversary. You will get that house soon!



sevencherubs said...

hats off to you for the great work you are doing as a mum and trying to balance it all!

love your oprah thought - I think she has been spending a little time watching herself too!

good luck on the house move in - hope it comes soon :) Naomi x

parenting ad absurdum said...

My own to-do list scares the pants off me - I'm sure yours would give me a heart attack!!

Yes, Oprah is totally responsible for my weight gain too. And I don't even watch her.

Thank goodness you're getting a little bit of peace.

Rina ... also Chester or Daisysmum. said...

Someone once asked when we going to build on our property, soon I hope but right now I would be happy with a tarp and 4 corner posts. If only ...
It is hard trying to balance work and home, but ya doing a grand job of it. Enjoy the rest of your week

Carolyn said...

I have a 14 month old, I'm 7 months pregnant I also work 3 days a week - I'm so glad it's not just me that has dishes in the sink and laundry that needs to be done! It's such a tricky balancing act but it helps to know others are in the same boat as you are. Hope you get your house soon.

jeanie said...

Congratulations!! I recently started 4 days a week, but craftily I installed a house-husband.

Highly recommended.

Olive said...

Well, I've been there & done that and I STILL don't know how I managed to bring up 4 kids and work full time. These days it takes me a full day just to do shopping.Lol.
We lived in our shed for 12 years, then moved to NT to work for 4 years, then back to the shed, cashed up and started to look for someone to build our home and now, guess what, ....... we are now back in the shed after 10 years in the house....because, we are selling and now, hopefully will find a much smaller place for two 75 year old geriatrics to live out our remaining years. Moving back to the shed was my idea, to keep the house spotless for inspection for prospective buyers.
You will totally enjoy your move to the house, I'll bet on it.

Sandra said...

Oprah causes weight gain?....ok, so that's what I'm blaming mine on. I was going to blame it on the blogging, but...well, it's better if Oprah can take credit for the wardrobe I'm going to need in the next size up.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to you! Working outside the home with kids still under foot is not an easy task. And it's a good thing Oprah's going off the air! I'm blaming her for my weight too! :)