So I'm officially renaming November the "month I get my shit together". Care to join me?
Clean out the fridge. Seriously
Make my dental appointment
Update kids 5 year books
Order 2011 calendar
Write that school letter
See school re above letter
Spend birthday voucher (6 months old)
Do up budget
Take one child to dentist
Clean out the freezer
Scrape tape marks from front new house doors
Write up calendar including dates from school newsletter
Read book to give to daughter re puberty
Clean out my wardrobe and drawers
Get some sleep
Start Christmas shopping
Spring clean kids clothes cupboards
Totally clean out bathroom cupboard
Organise Christmas envelope stickers
Buy Christmas wrap, tags, ribbon
Write up Christmas cards from me
Make Christmas cards from kids to their friends
Make and/or buy Christmas gifts for 3 teachers
Read Princess Bitchface so I can handle my tween
Get brand new sewing machine out of box and go to lesson
Clean out oven
Catch up on reading Southern Vampire Mysteries
Clean and sort out pile of crap on computer desk
Organise photos - save to disk
Organise videos - save to disk
Clean out bar fridge
Sort pantry
Clean and organise kitchen cupboards
Make kids job charts
Spring clean loungeroom
Sort out bookcase

Wow! That's some list!! If you're anything like me, the 'order of merit' will change considerably as time progresses! Is there anything on there that's just for you?
Good luck!!
Think you might need more than a month to do all that!!
CJ xx
If it is on the list, it'll get done, or you'll realsie it is not important anymore.
Either way, you move forward.
I am a list lover.
Well done! xx
Yikes, that sounds like way to much cleaning. You need to add some more fun stuff.
I love a good list and a good clean out - noticed you will be spending a lot of time cleaning - hope you can fit some blogging in the list too! I have a brand new sewing machine in a box too - I should plant to get mine out this month. Naomi x
There's something about a good list and the thrill of crossing things off! :)
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