I can't believe it's 2011. Where did last year go..I remember Jan 1 2010 like it was yesterday and here I am, 12 months further down the time track...
If you think I get all sentimental and nostalgic at Christmas, you should see me at New Years..I always think back to the year just gone and remember the good and the not so good things that have happened.....and at times wonder why I didn't even see them coming....
Last year at this time, I had no idea that I would get pregnant and lose our much loved baby, or that we wouldn't actually be living in our house, and I didn't even know about the amazing things that happened during the year, the fun times we had with the kids....
So what did you do last night for New Year's Eve? I stayed home and stalked facebook like the party animal (Loser) I am...
I've had some amazing New Years Eve celebrations in the past..
Like the time The Hubbster and I caught a train to Sydney and stayed in a friends apartment overlooking Sydney Harbour...we had the most amazing time and I'll never forget it.
But you know my most favourite new year is the one just gone....at home with my family, the kids swimming, riding their scooters, I went for a walk along our country road, we had dinner together and an early night for the kids and I watched a movie....
It's the here and now that is important to me....and I snuggled down in bed at 1.30am, relieved that I didn't have to wait two hours for a taxi to get me there......

How lovely!
Happy New Year
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