In the beginning I thought it would be super easy to lose 5 % of my body weight - in fact I had planned to lose a little more, just because "I could".
I have actually found it quite difficult...I haven't been able to keep that motivation high because I feel really tired all the time so I don't make time for exercise.
I know I could melt away the weight if I exercised "more" and I feel at times I am sabotaging myself...
I'm not even sure I'm going to fit into my new "ish" jeans, which frankly irritates me.
Egads, it's only 3 weeks until the conference!
So it's time to focus, focus, find some motivation for the home stretch.
But don't worry, we'll keep this thing going because you guys motivate and inspire me...
My weight loss is as follows:-
Start 70.5 kg
Week 1 69.7 kg
Week 2 69.9 kg
Week 3 69.3 kg
Week 4 69.9 kg
Week 5 70.3 kg
Week 6 70.1 kg
Week 7 68.7 kg
Week 8 68.6 kg
So how was your week....

I am with you on this one! who knew it was going to be so difficult. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone and it is only 3 weeks away! ahhhh!
well done on the weight loss. it is a loss and that is awesome! every little bit makes a difference.
keep it up my great friend.
hang those jeans up and you will make it.
Naomi x
Your in the 60's that's great!! You gals are goig to have such a ball at the conference!
Congrats on the loss again this week. Every little bit makes a difference. I need to keep telling myself that. You have been doing so well considering your injuries and tiredness. Keep it up!
My philosphy about weightloss - if you loose it slowly, it will be more permanent. Those fad diets can be dangerous. It looks like your loss is healthy. (and I am such an expert ;)
It's really interesting that you have noticed that you are sabotaging yourself. Have you tried keeping a food diary? Also see if you can have one really careful day, where you plan ahead what you are going to eat and do, and then see if you can stick to it - if not, ask yourself why - was it too unrealistic? Did you do the 'what the heck' thing?
Just see if you can have one day where everything goes to plan, and then try for another...you'll be amazed at how quickly you can break habits when you are really aware of what you are doing :-)
good luck!
Thanks for hosting this challenge. I have been lurking on the fringes since the beginning but I am going to (try) join in for the home straight. Great work with your progress so far.
Congrats! Yes...it does come off. And, sadly, it takes a looongggg time!!
You're doing great! I'm so impressed you're trying. I need to actually try instead of talking about it! Thanks for visiting my blog. I sure look forward to visiting your lovely part of the blog world again. xx
It's going down... you will get there. Just be consistent and keep going. It's not really about motivation... I think it's just about consistently getting on with it, regardless. x
I am considering cutting off a limb to get mine down.
But can't decide which... leg and I can't wear my purdy shoes, arm and how am I gunna tweet this thing?
(incidentally I haven't been your weight since the nineties... I don't know if we can be friends now ;P )
You are getting there hun. Keep plugging away at it :)
I have been away, just got home so i will blog and link up tomorrow.
Ditto to what everyone else has already said.
any loss is better then none! :D
I fell off the weight loss wagon about a month ago now. And it seems so hard to climb back on.... You're doing well - keep going!
I remember when I started I said I'd be happy if I lost 500g a week- I ignored the Darryl Kerrigan voice that SCREAMED "Tell her she's dreamin'", but it seemed I was.
I have to say although the weight isn't falling off, I am feeling better, and I'm leading a far more conscious life- thanks to you and Naomi. So- who cares what the scales say- it's not dropping off kilos at a time BUT you ARE losing weight, and you ARE keeping us going and motivated too- thank you!
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