The great thing is that The Hubbster was totally organised, all of the washing was done, the kitchen was tidy, the clothes put away so there was nothing to worry about. I really appreciated this.
I had an amazing time at the Conference. What else can I say that hasn't been said here.
I didn't get to meet everyone, the day went so fast. I did however spend some time with some favourite bloggers.
The beautiful Kelly who I really connected with.
Cate who shared my love of sparkly dresses, here we are..
Kakka who has been a wonderful supporter of my blog...I was so happy to meet her..
Carly who channelled Carrie Bradshaw all night with the most amazing dancing skirt.....
And Naomi who was my roomie and shared the view of Sydney Harbour.....
The Conference has given me the inspiration to write, and to be creative in my small corner of the blogosphere.
I've also realised that I know nothing about Twitter and I NEED to get informed because Twitter is taking over the world.

Looks like you had a fantastic time!
Gosh and I thought 1hr and 5mins on the plane back to melb was a chore!!
Glad you got home safely :-)
Far out! I'll stop complaining about a few hours delay back to Melb now!
Was great to meet you, and look at out poor squished, but oh so nicely tattooed feet!
I had SO much fun meeting you! Thankyou for coming.
Looks like you had so much fun! And twitter is awesome!
So glad your hubby looked after everything nicely for you so that you could have a chance to recover.
Your pics are great!!
Once again it was lovely meeting you xxx
Oh Michelle, your photos are FANTASTIC! Love the one of your feet with Naomi's...gorgeous.
It was LOVELY to meet you. You are JUST as I imagined - so easy to chat to and so much fun.
Was lovely to meet you Michelle. I didn't get to chat much, but I now know who you are and being a country girl myself, shall make sure I visit your blog often. xx
You must be exhausted! So nice for you to be home again. I seriously adore you! I really felt like I've known you forever! And I'm just hanging out for when I can catch up with you agian. LOL. Hope you can have a few quiet days to recuperate. You're spesh.
Great photos Michelle, it was lovely to meet you In Real Life too, I would have loved to have spent more time talking to you, but there was just not enough time.
I certainly can't complain about my 5 hour flight home to Perth with all you had to do to get home. I bet you were so happy to give all your lovely family a big hug.
Oh and my Mum was so excited that you mentioned her blog. She even did a couple of posts. Thanks for being so generous in your praise of her writing. She was really chuffed.
See you in 2012, if I don't get up that way before the next Conference. xxx
So lovely to meet you Michelle!
Love that photo of the dancing feet!
we didn't hoo for me I reckon. Will be reading now I know who you are though....not like a stalker though :)
LOVED meeting you! You are awesome and hilarious and fanfreakingfabulous.
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