I love animals, but I'm not a cat person. I don't hate them, they just don't give me pleasure. Saying that, I could never hurt an animal or be cruel to one, but tonight one feline came very close to having it's butt kicked to the next county..or worse.
Recently we have had a visiting cat. We found the owner and have returned the cat 4 times. Our 25 guinea fowl are going nuts and acting all stressed and frazzled because of this cat.
Two nights ago ANOTHER cat turned up, to which I said "we are not a cat resort, go home". The cat didn't go home, and as it has a collar, is probably being missed by its owners.
Or is it?? More about that later...
So tonight when I came home from work, The Hubbster and the kids were most upset because this "domestic"cat had caught and was in the process of eating alive a small, helpless, defenceless, native Marsupial to Australia, (did I say helpless) Bandicoot.
After it had killed it and ripped the head off and gutted it, the cat went away to wash itself...
The Hubbster brought in the little bandicoot, holding it in his hands, still warm and furry and little. And it was a male.
I really thought he was going to cry..he was so upset.
We are taking the cat to the pound tommorrow, so really, it gets off lightly.
Our farm is home to lots of native animals. We have pretty faced wallabies, potaroos, echidnas, possums and these little endangered bandicoots, and we want it to be a safe haven for them.
We don't want feral and unrestrained domestic cats killing our animals on our property, which begs the question:- does the responsibility lie with the owners of these cats to keep them restrained indoors so they don't have the opportunity to cause destruction such as this?
I think it does.
Cats are killers and hunters. It's what they do. It's instinct.
This cat has a collar and is not malnourished. It killed this little animal because it could. It attacked it and killed it and just walked off and left it under the house.
My husband picked it up and it was still warm. What a waste of a beautiful little life.
So we go to the pound tommorrow.
The next cat may not be so lucky.

I HATE cats. Don't understand them as pets - they are the anti-pet to me. Now having said that it is someone's pet so you did the right thing. I always try to remember that. Someone loves it and would miss that animal.
Even though I HATE them I would never harm them on purpose or any animal for that matter. I just want them far far away from me and my family. Give me a dog any day!!
It's hard for me to be impartial to this post.
I am definitely not a cat lover. Not even a cat liker.
I'm barely a cat tolerater.
Like you, animal cruelty is a no go zone - but the cats, they push the boundaries of my humanity.
I think the onus is on the owners of these nasty creatures.
Even here in the suburbs, they should not be allowed to roam around at night - fighting outside my bedroom window and taunting my dog.
I certainly don't let my dog out at night (or day) to wreak havoc around the neighbourhood, so why should cat owners be exempt from showing this courtesy?
My heart hurts for you and your family having to see this sad, disgusting waste.
We have had a stray black cat in our neighborhood attack our chickens recently and it is very, very frustrating. Cats are extremely predatory in nature and when you have other animals that need protection from a cat, it is not pleasant to have one stalking and killing the animals on your property. We have an Australian Shepherd and have let it loose on that cat a few times, he nearly caught the cat and it would have been fine with us.
I am so sorry to hear that this little creature was killed.
Thanks ladies, I thought I would be roasted from cat lovers about this, but you know, it's not really the cats fault when owners let them roam wild and do this type of thing.. and we are way out of town so how on earth do they find us?
This cat is really pretty, and is obviously someones pet, we could never hurt an animal out of anger, it's not who we are.
But it saddens me at the same time at the loss of this little bandicoots life...
I dont mind a cat but honestly an indoor cat is the best cat
this post just proves it!
I am also not a fan of cats, but I am even less a fan of irresponsible and inconsiderate pet owners. Did it have a bell on its collar - surely that's the least they can do to warn unsuspecting birds and native animals.
AMEN. I hate cats. They are rude and annoying. And their hair gets on everything!
It hasn't got a bell on it's collar. I rang the neighbours this morning but no one owns it...near here anyway..
Ugh! I don't mind cats killing pests, but not bandicoots! :(
Poor little mite......
We have two cats, they do go outdoors sometimes but we've put bells on them so the birds can hear them coming.
I am a cat person but this makes me sad :(
Kellie you are a wonderful cat owner :)
I actually have a beautiful black and white cat and I adore her, but she is a hunter. She's been brought up on a farm and knows how to fend for herself. It is what they do and what most other animals do as well, especially those in the wild. Survival of the fittest.
But I do think the responsibility lies with the owner. It isn't good enough letting your animal wander on someone else's land, and believe, me I get infuriated often with wandering dogs on our land that scare the sheep. Simple fact is, people should take responsibility for their animals; but they very often don't.
CJ xx
Gee wiz! I am glad i don't live in the country!
A poor creature, just does what is natural to it & it is declared "hated"!
If it catches rats & mice on a farm then wow, it is of use!
Yes I AM a cat lover.
They are beautiful pets, who don't kill your children, like dogs do.
@ CJ I agree, the onus is on the owner to keep their pets under control..on their OWN land.
@ Tiffany, when "a poor creature" does what is natural to them, the little native animals suffer. What about them?
This wasn't even a feral cat, it was a domestic cat, that needs to be kept in at night. Thank you for your comments.
When I was a kid the neighbor's dog got loose and came and killed all our kittens. I came home from school to see kitten bodies strewn all over the driveway. Devestating to say the least.
Pet owners have to be responsible, no matter what the animal! I'm not a cat lover but I am a cat mama, as I was convinced this spring to say yes to a very beautiful angora kitty that had been abandoned by its owner and placed with the humane society. He's an indoor cat but wears a bell anyway, and even cat-indifferent-I treat him like one of the family. Pets need love, care and attention, and negligent owners should be held responsible.
Sorry about the poor little bandicoot. I love learning about the fauna of Australia from your blog.
What an awful story! It always make me feel sick to see our beautiful native wildlife killed by cats (or any other pet for that matter). I completely agree that pet owners should have to take more responsibility for keeping control of their cats - as you said dog owners can't let their dogs roam the neighbourhood or they get put down!
It seems terrible that my first comment on your blog is so negatively toned so I hope you'll forgive me! Off to kind some cheerful posts :)
I'm a cat person, but highly disapproving of outdoor roaming cats. Someone should train them to only kill introduced species, like the myna birds and mice and rats. But I guess they can't tell the difference. So, keep them inside...
I wasn't a cat person, but then I picked up a stray kitten and it became a great pet of mine. And it was pretty much an indoor cat.
But one day, I let it roam outside and it brought home a bird in its mouth. I was mortified.
I don't have the answers for roaming wild cats. But it's terrible what happened to that bandicoot.
@ Foursons, that is an awful thing to experience xo
@ Chris, a pet is a pet and we must take care of them, whatever they are.....I'm glad I can show you a bit more about Oz x
@ Anna, my blog isn't always doom and gloom, I hope you stick around xo
@ Dorothy, no they can't tell the difference so that's why owners have to watch them. It was quite a nice cat actually....
@ Grace, I suppose they just do what feels right to them....x
I am NOT a cat lover either. We live in the country and there are several strays lurking around. I think the owner is definitely responsible, it's no different than if a dog did these things.
Hi Jules, I agree with you, stray cats are everywhere here, they are really big too!
What I hate about cat is their poop and pee it is so smelly.
I'm against cats being kept in a rural environment. And dogs for that matter ...
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