I even did them yesterday at work on the floor!
My back is improving. I no longer have painful back spasms, but I have an ache now and then and I am so scared of twinging my back again, my movements are very slow and deliberate.
The physio was excellent. Very knowledgeable and full of ideas and suggestions. He looked at my xrays and explained to me exactly what my back is doing.
Or not doing in my case.
Unfortunately I am stuck with a bad back and I now have a management plan which includes stretching, occasional pain relief, and a gym programme which I am super excited about.
I also have to become very friendly with this guy called Pilates. I'll be starting classes next week, after a one on one visit with the instructor this week.
Pilates is excellent for building core strength, something which I am lacking, and once I have that, my back will be somewhat protected.
I had another physio appointment today, and I have definately improved. I still can't touch my toes, and that is a real goal for me. I have nil flexibility and I would snap in half if I even tried to touch the floor!
Last week I was in so much pain, the thought of stripping off to my bra in front of the physio didn't even phase me. Along with my hairy legs, which were impossible to shave because I couldn't bend forward, my care factor was zero.
My physio looked at the xrays and said "see that dark colour, they are your muscles which are not working, and see that other colour, that is fat - no offence of course".
"None taken", I said.
He is very genuine and caring and brutal after todays deep tissue massage, which has left my back bruised, which we expected.
I'm allowed to stretch, and do pilates, and walk (but not uphill) and I can start a gym weights programme in a month or two. I'm really looking forward to getting back into exercise and moving this body again.
I've really not been focused on exercise this year after January's jogging #epicfail, and I do miss it.
Of course, I won't be Bikini Ready for summer but who the hell cares anyway.......

I've got boardshorts.

best of luck with the pilates. a wonderful strength builder, although i haven't done it for ages and my dodgy back really needs it too. and don't tell anyone this, but i won't be bikini ready for summer either!! Jane x
Yay for boardies x
@ Jane, bikinis are overrated anyway...
@ Woogsy, boardies rock this bod!
Bikini is a dirty word ;o)
Congrats on working towards strengthening your core muscles to support your back!
I enjoy your blog so much that I've passed on the "One Lovely Blog" award to you.
You can see more about the award at: http://livingadream2.blogspot.com/2011/10/lovely-blog-and-welcome.html
Yeah go you!
Good on you - for getting all grown up and doing something really proactive about your back.
I hope it has you pain free and feeling fabulous (minus airbrushing) in no time.
Who wants to look like that, anyway? Pah.
Not jealous or envious or feeling blah. At all.
Yeah who really wants to look like a supermodel....really......
I can't imagine have such back pain. I pray you get some relief...
Pilates is supposed to be good ...it killed me though the one time I did it.
My hub gets severe back pain but the chiro works better for him than physio.
He still doesn't find time to stretch though.
I am off to by new boardies too.
I'm glad you're feeling a tiny bit better! Good luck with the stretching, hopefully it continues to bring you some relief :)
LOL! I love your ending - we've got boardshorts and hurray for them! Yes, bikinis are sooo overated!
Go the board shorts! Pilates really helped me when my back shat itself a few years ago. Hope you get some relief.
Ha! Boardshorts are my best friend in the summer.
Go YOU!!!! Back Pain is horrible and I am so glad you are sticking with it!!! Your house looks great also!!! So jealous as I would love to live on a farm and to build my own house..
Go YOU!!
Well it seems like the boardshorts have the tick of approval. I'll just buy a couple of more pairs to see me through!
dont feel bad about the running thing .... i suck at running ... walking really fast is waaaay more productive for this little black duckie!@ ...pilates ohhhhh love pilates .... good to see ur improving xxx
I might just be calling you to come to Pilates with me x
My Dad uses the MacKenzie method for his touchy back and yes...3+ times a day + stretching and gives it relief....age can be so unfriendly sometimes!
Sophie, I think age has done me in :)
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