October 19, 2011

The Phantom Snapper

Our sneaky snapper has done it again.

You may remember a few posts back, where I found some photos on my digital camera, taken by my 6 year old daughter.

She's done it again. Here's a sample.

I love seeing the world through her eyes.....from her height.

Which is short.


Mum on the Run said...

They're great.
I love the muddy one. I can hear the squelch!

Posh Totty said...

I keep finding pictures on my camera that (I presume) my Little Man has taken too, I should blog some of them too really, shouldn't I?

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

She is a gem , just a bit of polish and she will be worth a mint !

Kirsty said...

Ooh love that first one!

Princess Kate said...

My little man loves taking photos of his face and the TV.

Love your girl's feet photo...

PinkPatentMaryJanes said...


Foursons said...

Too cute. I love her feet and the random cable, wire thingy.

Tina ~ Tina Gray {dot} Me said...

Awesome! I love finding photos on my camera that Miss 4 has taken :)

Norlin said...

haha...I saw the other day Miss 8 recording Miss 9 on the camera with the video function. It was hilarious! But they love it. And now I'm teaching Miss 9 how to actually take a good photo, even if it's on auto.

Farmers Wifey said...

Thanks everyone, I might even buy her a camera for Christmas and let her go to town!

River said...

I like the upended chair by the pool, a good distance shot. I think a camera for christmas would be a great gift for her.

Farmers Wifey said...

Yes, she's very abstract isn't she xx