October 19, 2011

Tell me something I don't know!

Betcha never thought you'd see a Muhammad Ali reference here!

Apparently, I have a habit of calling out and saying weirdo things to The Hubbster, when he's leaving for work at 4.30 am....

This is what he tells me.....I think he's just teasing me........

I don't really think I say these things...but how would I know? I'm still in blissful slumber at that early hour.....

This morning I can kind of recall him getting dressed and asking if I wanted the door locked on his way out, and he says that I said, in my best Muhammad Ali impression:-

I am the Greatest! I am the Greatest!

Yeah right. As if I'd say that.

I don't need to state the obvious!


Foursons said...

Bwhahahaha. So funny.

Farmers Wifey said...


Mum on the Run said...

Ha ha ha ha!!!
Apparently I laugh a lot in the wee hours.
Maybe I can hear you calling out?!

Suzanne said...

OMG...hahahaha! That is hysterical!!! Actually, it's amazing...good for you. Even in sleep you have high self-esteem:)

TheThingsIdTellYou said...

Lol. Damned straight you are! <3

Kate @ Puddles and Gumboots said...

Heehee! I love it! My husband is always telling me weird things I am meant to have said in my sleep too

Farmers Wifey said...

Hey guys, my daughter sleeptalks as well..I wonder where she gets it from :) Thankyou for commenting on my strange habits.x

Kellie said...

Hahahaha! Classic :)

Norlin said...

Hahhahaa! That's just too funny!

Dora Holiday said...

haha, what a confidence, wow! I wish i was that confident too, maybe great people just have stronger trust in their own posibilities...