December 18, 2011

Hello Snake

Another day on the farm...really.

We are "fairly" sure that todays snake is a Keelback Snake, a non venomous fella that we have let go in the bush to fight another day......


E. said...

Does this happen often? And did you get into the pool this afternoon?

Unknown said...

Oh, snakes. Yuck! I would love the country life - except for the snakes. In saying that, we went for a bike ride today and a snake slithered across the path in front of my daughter. I guess there's no escaping them really!

A Farmer's Wife said...

Nothing like a snake in the pool!!

It does look pythony doesn't it? We had one in the garden that got away. Unfortunately it did not look like a python....

Take care.

Unknown said...

Eww ... as you know I have a snake phobia, but I still encounter them regularly. You can't help it when you live in SEQ, even though I live in Brisbane. When I lived in the Western Suburbs with a pool, we would get at least 2 or 3 in the pool ever summer! This year, living in another suburb, has been far my worst for snakes. Even the non-venomous, has been nasty, as the resident carpet snake has been gobbling guinea pigs, kittens, puppies and baby possums. It's been there for longer than most residents though, so what do you do? I still can't get used to it. I am not brave at all!

Farmers Wifey said...

Hi guys

This is our 3rd pool snake..they get stuck in the filter and can't get out....we had a lovely, yes lovely bandy bandy and we got him out and let him go..he was a very rare snake, so it was great to actually see one....

This keelback is a non venomous snake, but I still wouldn't like to get too close...we let him go as well........

Living in the bush we do encounter them, it's all boots on for the kids and we watch out!

Mum on the Run said...

Holy crap! I'll be taking a second look before putting my hand in our filter from now on.
You just can't be too careful!!
I'm going to tell myself it's a 'farm thing' though - otherwise my suburban Summer is compromised!!

Farmers Wifey said...

OH well I won't tell you about the two snakes we found in our backyard in the middle of suburbia.

I just won't!

Dreaming said...

I'm so glad you rescued the snake and let him go. Poor little guy was probably just trying to get a drink and went a bit too far!

MummyK said...

omg scary!! even if it's not venomous, good thing you guys handled it well

Farmers Wifey said...

It is scary, but it was non venomous and we let it go..who knows, it could be a mummy snake..

Foursons said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE hearing your accent! Fabulous!

LisaW said...

I HATE SNAKES! I don't care if their venomous or not. My parents house is on the national park, and we always had to check the pool for snakes and funnel webs before we dived in. You just brought back some horrid memories. lol.

Farmers Wifey said...

@ Foursons, Gday mate!!!!!

@ Lisa...I freakin' hate spiders!!!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Not a fan of snakes here or anywhere either - just got to keep reminding the kids BOOTs on all the time.

Princess Kate said...

You know, I really want to live in the bush, but stories like this really make me think twice about it....