Weeks. Counting down now, in weeks. The House is sitting there, just waiting on a family to move in.....
The kids did their house christening wees in the brand new toilets last night. Then they had the first drink of water from the water filter.
Mr C had a shower in the ensuite and we all marvelled at the fact that our house actually works!
We have lights and water and next week we'll have beautiful polished floors!
The only thing left to do will be the stainless steel wire around the verandah. Then we will move in.
What! We will move in...are you serious?
I still remember our first night in the shed, 4 years ago. 27th October 2008. The kids were so little, and we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.
It was such a bittersweet time for me, moving from our comfortable home in the suburbs to a farm, a shed and a totally new life. Having never lived out of town before, I was scared. Fearful of the unknown, worried about change.
A treechange.
The country life is in my blood, born from the roots of my mother and my grandmother. I just....belong here.
I plan to grow old on the verandah of my house, knitting something amazing while my grandchildren play in the fresh air.......nothing would be sweeter.....

Roots. That's what you done - you've taken root. And it's a comfortable feeling, isn't it? Well done, you.
oh Thank you! It's been a long ride but we have nearly made it xo
How exciting for you! Well done for keeping sane through it all!
You have been so patient! You must be bubbling over with excitement!
I can't wait for you to be officially in The House!! Hope you bought a bottle of champagne to celebrate!
I know the feeling, we built our house on the farm my husband grew up on. It was long hard slog but to be able to look at what you did and think we did it, we really did, is an amazing feeling. I love sitting out on the 200m3 of verandah drinking coffee in the morning and saying, "how many nails in this?" Well done!
I bet you can't wait, bet its just how you want it.
Awww- it's so close I can taste that celebratory drink already!!!
So excited for you - and the urinating family!!
:-) xx
beyond excited for you my love!
It's a wonderful dream, to be able to grow old in your own home, with many years of memories that you will make.
I'm happy for you.
Thank you lovelies, thank you for sharing the joy and stress and all the fun.....it's been fun throughout the chaos! xo
What a lovely mental image. Can't wait for stories from this new chapter of your life.
How exciting. We have just started building so I am hoping to expereince your excitment for myself at the beginning of next year.
I am so excited for you, I disappeared from the blog world for awhile so I am very excited that your getting to the finish line. Moving in yippee. I deleted my old blogs and started an new one http://thesimplethingsbutler.blogspot.com/ I truly felt called to do this one. Praying that God keeps guiding me and that your move goes very smoothly.
Very excited for you Michelle, we have only been in our shed for 8 months ... I cannot imagine 4 yrs here.
Thank you lovelies for your kind comments, I know you are all so happy for me xoxoxo
How exciting! I cannot wait to see it all, furniture and family happily installed.
thanks so much!!! There will be lots of pics to share xo
Missed this post. I can feel the excitement coming through your blog. It has been wonderful following your endeavours over the past year or so. Just popped in for a moment.
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