November 14, 2012

Wordless Wednesday


Tell me your heart doesn't melt seeing little orphan Dave sucking his dummy...or if you are in America, his pacifier!

He's a baby, so I'm totally in love x

Linking up with Trish today!

My Little Drummer Boys


Wanderlust said...


Farmers Wifey said...

I know! Look at him xxoo

Powdered Toast Man said...

He is very cute but Idk what kind of animal it is. Is Dave his name or type of animal?

Jacana said...

Super cute. I had a pet roo about 20 years ago when I was living on a farm. Once grown though she thought it was OK to keep coming back to the house and still wanted to come inside for the cereal - was made over nutri-grain. Iron girl roo !!!

CountryMouse said...

Awww gosh that little one is cute. Joeys are just so gorgeous.

Farmers Wifey said...

I'm glad you guys love him as much as I do! @ PTM he is a little baby kangaroo called a Joey, his mummy was hit by a car (often happens out here) and the baby was rescued..he was in the pouch, he is being looked after by a wildlife carer until he is big and strong enough to go back to the bush!

Cady Adam said...

It is SO nice and pretty creature. Take as much care of it as you can.

Norlin said...

so very cute!!!!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Totally cute little roo. We had to hand feed a calf the other day. I'd love a roo baby.

All For Love said...

Awwww WOW, definitely melts my heart seeing baby 'anything', but a little joey, that's just way cute. He would be a big distraction for me, I'd never get anything done from watching him :) xo

Farmers Wifey said...

He is just so super cute!!! I hope he has a wonderful life after not so happy a start xo

jac@CommonChaosChronicle said...

OMG. So smooshy cute!