Forgive me Father, for I have not blogged for two weeks.....
That thing called Life, has been in the way! Work, homelife, kids activities, dancing festivals, school stuff, more work, washing, new house housework, Easter, Harbour Festival, kid wrangling and the list goes on.
When I sit down at night to relax, I'm so tired that I can't concentrate on stringing two words together, worthy of even publishing on my blog. But I 'm happy to say that school Term 1 is now over, and the holidays are before us!
I can't believe how quickly the first term has passed! It's usually a busy one for us, with Miss D (aged 12) dancing last weekend in our local dance competition (scoring for herself a 4th, a 2nd and a 1st), dancing on stage at the Harbour Festival last week and now preparing for an Eisteddfod next week.
Mr C (aged 10) has been busy with a special reading project at school, called Project 600, and now is looking forward to AFL, with training starting this week.
Miss T (aged 8) has been loving her Saturday morning dancing class, and has been working on her loudest quite voice, which she delivers every time we are in the library!
The Hubbster has been busy working on the Farm, cutting grass at every opportunity! He doesn't need an excuse to take Jaffa the Tractor for a spin, he even cut the grass at our neighbours farm last week!
We still don't have a television in the house, as we would like to buy a flatscreen tv for the Theatre Room, so I'm still heading back to the Shed to watch my shows at night, which frankly sucks as it brings back memories of the four year never ending bad camping trip we were on!
So what else is happening you ask? Well, did I tell you that in July, I'll be attending Blogher13. Oh and it's in CHICAGO USA! Can you believe it, because I can't! Only the biggest blogging conference ever!
My flights are booked and paid for, and I'm now working on the fun stuff - where I'll go, what I'll get up to, what I'll wear and I'm trying to find the perfect walking shoes because after Chicago, I'll be flying to New York for a week!
It doesn't seem real yet! After 16 long years, I'm finally going back to my beloved America, the one place that has held my heart for so long......

Wow - bog her 13!! Go you :) I'm so not brave enough to go so far from my little gang. One day maybe.
I'm excited, but I will miss my three little birds so much! Of course, they have already placed their orders for what presents they want me to bring back! xo
I think next we need some update photos of your house ;) I'm so jealous of you going to America!! I've really come to the realisation this week that I really want to live there. Thankfully it's a distinct possibility given my husband's job/career, but it just might take a few more years. We'll be moving back to Australia first for financial and family reasons, but I hope the kids' high school will be in America... Anyway, I'm glad you're doing well xx
I am so jealous! Both of the Money pit and Blog Her oh AND going anywhere without children! You totally deserve it Michelle and I can't wait to hear all about it!
Very nice. I hope you have lots o fun at Blogher13 an afterward. Updated money pit photos would b great too.
Oh, I wish I could go to BlogHer, but we already have plans :((
I am so impressed with the 'grass' being cut. Boy, oh, boy, we would love to have that in our back yard!
It's good to see what you have been up to.
You must be loving putting those finishing touches in place. What exciting news heading overseas.
@ Alyce I can totally understand how exciting it would be to live in America, I hope your dreams come true x
@ Larissa, I'm looking forward to the break but I'll miss my babies x
@ E yes I need to post more house pics, I will for sure xo
@ Dreaming I hope you are doing something fun! Take care xo
@ Countrymouse yes, it is still very exciting, I don't think I'll get over it! xo
It must be a dream came true to put those finishing touches to the money pit and Blogher13.
Hi Trish, It certainly is x Something I thought would never happen x
You live such a wonderfully full life you deserve to be tired when evening comes. Great about the dancing results and your beautiful home nearing absolute completion.
Your American dream trip in July sounds a sheer delight and the time will go so quickly you'll be home with the brood before you miss them too much.
It was great to see your blog appear again and to read of all you that all of you have been doing. x
Insanely jealous about BlogHer!!! And so excited for you! My day will come! x Can't wait for updates! x
Blog Her is nuts. I went last year in NYC. 5000 people!! NYC was great. I was there for 2 weeks and it was just enough time to decompress, actually relax before coming home to the madness. ;-)
And once I realised the kids were fine with me gone for 2 weeks that guilt that follows us around so much was gone.
Enjoy it!
Love & stuff
Mrs M
Can't you just move the TV into the theatre room temporarily?
Or maybe position it in the window of the shed and watch from your porch with binoculars.....
Yeah so excited for you!!!
But also since then, we as a country, and as just as well,
a world, have become basically addicted and dependent on our radios.
In my case I listen to all music that is submitted
to me before I include it on my playlist. As a
gadget, it's out of this world; as a functional laptop, I'm not so sure.
Feel free to visit my web site; online radio
Like videos on the internet. I think people should have to have proof, cause there are a lot of trolls, you know people with no life that have nothing better to do than screw things up for everyone else..
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