June 4, 2009

Marley and Me

This morning I sat at my kitchen table, with my tea and toast and tears streaming down my face. Like at eight o'clock in the morning. What gives? What catastrophe could have happened even before getting the kids off to school?

I had just finished reading this book.

I thought it a good time to finish off the last few chapters over breakfast. Bad idea. There I was, sobbing into my vegemite on toast, remembering back to April when we lost our beagle, Girlie. I still find it difficult to think of her.

I will probably watch the dvd of Marley and Me, on the weekend. Although, it stars Jennifer Aniston, who I find overated and slightly annoying. They should have cast Drew Barrymore. I adore her. I loved her in this. She is my favourite actress. I'll maybe need a wine, to get through the movie, it's supposed to be sad at the end. Which I already know.


Anonymous said...

ooooo I didn't realise this movie was based on a book.....i will be off getting the book now...the movie was really good...a real tear jerker. I have a huge long list of books to read now that uni is just about over (....:-) - woot woot!!! I love Drew Barrymore too, I also really like Ashley Judd.

Unknown said...

My wife read this book and balled her eyes out, so I was shocked when she wanted to take the kiddo's to see the movie. I told her "You DO remember how the story ends right?"

She said "I know I know" and... they all cried and cried. LOL!

Farmers Wifey said...

Us girls just love a good tearjerker, even though we know it will upset us...

Anonymous said...

I wish I'd never seen that movie! And I saw it just because Jennifer Aniston was in it (I found our first major difference) and I almost cry about it just thinking about it. I would never have my kids watch it!

Farmers Wifey said...

Ms Aniston is back in my good books now...