So today The Hubbster went down to the chook house which is down the hill a paddock away. And I yelled to him "feed the chooks while you are there" and he yelled back "I already have". Then I thought, he bloody heard me! Sound carries. So then I thought about our neighbours who also live a couple of paddocks away and I made a mental note to stop yelling. And to absolutely stop saying Fuck! really loudly because sound carries....

LOL....sound DOES carry :)
Have a great day and......
Steady On
Reggie Girl
If you don't have a roof on your chook pen those crows can be sneaky...
The above comment is from Lani by the way! I have troube leaving comments so chose "anonymous".
meh they probably say it too LOL
oh and some chookies go "off the lay" in winter ...but snakes do love eggs ...*shudders @ thought of snakes* ..
We are now thinking it's just because it's winter and as my uncle just said "would you want to sit your butt on the cold nest and push an egg out??"
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