* The guineas are still acting all crazy and laying eggs here and there and disappearing into the long grass to do God knows what...I now have two more eggs layed in the corner of their cage, and I don't know whether to leave them there and hope someone gets broody and sits their butt on top, or pick them up and put them in our fridge. I'll get a photo tommorrow to prove I'm not delirious..
* Tommorrow Mr T has his last football game for the year, and praise the time gods, it starts at 9.30am not unlike every other single Saturday when we were getting 8am games. The kids will probably still wake up at 6am.
* Miss D (aged 8) is having a weekend sleepover at her nannys house. I miss her already, but I am hoping she doesn't come home with a bad attitude and something we like to call Nannyitis...
* I am so tired and have been tired all week. I have been trying to get to bed early but I am such a nightowl and can't bring myself to retire before 10pm. I have been exercising and getting up early because the builders arrive at 7am, so I really need to get my butt to bed at a reasonable hour (looking at the clock it's 9.49pm, WTF)
* We are going to a fancy dress birthday party in December and the theme is something beginning with the letter "P". I am trying to convince The Hubbster to go as Peter Pan, or a Porn Star *snigger* and I myself am deciding between, a Pink Lady (from Grease) a Pregnant Person, a Playboy Bunny (yeah right) or (my favourite) a Patient. I would dress in a white gown, bandage myself up and arrive pushing a drip on a stand...I'm not sure where to get one of these from, but I do know a few nurses.....
Then again I could go as a Pole Dancer, or a Prostitute (oh we already have one of those) or Paris Hilton, which in essence is the same thing...
Or I could just go in my pyjamas and get really drunk and feel really comfortable....

I vote pj's!
A prince and princess! Pj's do sound comfy though.. I do hope that you post pictures!
Oh I love the pyjama idea LOL - that would be so comfortable. Although, going as a Pink Lady would be fun :) I hope Mr T did well at footy. I was so happy when it all finished for us a few weeks ago. Had to giggle at the Nannyitis ... how funny is it when they come home like that. Well, it's not funny but you know what I mean. And your builders that arrive at 7am! That is awesome. How is it all going? We need more pics, you know that right? :P
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