So far, I've added half of my playlist to her Ipod, to which she replies "I don't want THAT crap" on my Ipod.
Miss D wants music by Taylor Swift, Lady Ga Ga *shudder*, Katy Perry, Brandi Carlile (my fav singer) and God forbid Hannah Montana...and perhaps the music from Hairspray. I'll have another try tommorrow, and if all else fails I'll ring my computer savvy brother.
2. This was the 10th Christmas without my Dad and the 1st without my Beagles. Yes, I had moments of despair this week.
3. Tommorrow, I officially give up drinking. There. It's in bold so it is official. I'm just sick of it, my mind and body can do without. Jan 1st I start my health kick again, so it's nadda to alcohol....a healthy and hot I come!!!
4. I rang about sewing courses and they start in January. So I will learn how to drive a sewing machine and sew a straight line. I suppose not long after that I'll be able to handmake a wedding dress...I'll be that good.
5. I think I solved the ant problem we have had in the kitchen. Pesky little buggers they are. The advice said that the ant population would increase before it decreases. Well, I thought we were being taken over judging by the amount on the bench two days ago. Now if only I could do the same for cane toads and telemarketers.....

Wishing you a wonderful rest of the holiday season...hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for your comments about my daughter...
I quit drinking a few years back and I don't miss the after effects one bit (even if I had only one glass of wine). I still need to work on other health related issues but at least I've licked that one.
Always enjoy your site...and observing the commonalities and differences between the land down under and the USA. Enjoy the's been unusually cold here in Arizona and I'm ready for some summer temps..only a couple short months away here in these parts...
I've experienced some sadness too this week....6 years without my Dad (how can that be??)....feeling sad with the loss of Tony and Cindy in our lives things change from one year to the next....what will next year bring??
Hope this comment posts...tried a bunch of times on Chrome..but it didn't work so I thought I'd go back to trusty Firefox and see what happens..hope you don't have a million comments waiting for you.
Ohhhh great post! I am going to be putting alcohol on the shelf also. And sugar, and any food that is not good for me. I agree - time to get back on track!!! We will do it together!
Thanks for stopping by, it introduced me to your blog!
Al it takes to had make a wedding dress is being really really careful - and making a practice one out of crappy fabric first. Really :) My greatgrandmother actually made wedding dresses for a living, which I think is pretty cool. All the wedding dresses in my family for generations have been handmade - either by the wearer or a relative. Its a nice tradition and I hope my daughter one day joins in. All that bc you made an off-hand comment about being "that good" lol.
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