March 3, 2010


For you ladeez out there...


Christine Macdonald said...

I just love you.

Danielle said...

That was absolutely hysterical! Thank you for an early morning laugh! I may just have to "borrow" this video...

Dumb Mom said...

Most of that was awesome. But the cat in the pants wasn't cute, as the ladies on the video seemed to think, it was creepy. Why would you have a cat in your pants? Why?!

The Doctors Wife said...

Funny and a little disturbing all wrapped up into one. The cat must have been declawed otherwise I don't think the man would have been standing their so calm.

Anonymous said...

That is the best way to start my morning! No need for coffee today!

Anonymous said...

Always a welcome video!!

CJ xx

Anonymous said...

Oh that was spectacular! Thank you for the laugh!!

Sarah at The Stroller Ballet said...

Ha! Hilarious! Thanks for sharing :)