I've recently found this amazing blog.....I delight in looking at the gorgeous pictures, it actually makes me feel good.
Miss Indie is having a huge giveaway to celebrate her 100th post!
I ask you to go and visit her and see what it's all about..I just know you will be as excited as I am!!
:) So impressed to hear about your first little chicky, being in the burbs and No Roosters Allowed, we will be forever chick free.
But OMG living in a shed?? That must not be fun with winter coming on. War on Clutter more fun than it sounds - am getting organised after six years of pre-school aged child chaos. Also, house painted appalling colours by previous owners, and have to get rid of clutter before re-painting begins - cos yanno, you have to be able to GET to the walls before painting them :)
Also brilliant way to avoid writing next novel which is not going to plan.
Will go check it out right now!
I will drop by her blog sometime today...:)
I'll go there right after this comment. Fun!
My email is lifeisaphoenix[at]yahoo[dot]com, by the way!
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