June 25, 2010

See you soon!

I'm off on holidays for 10 days. I'm going somewhere cold. I'm an idiot.

I have my moden usb that I had planned to use in my laptop, so I could keep abreast of all the internet developments. It's foolproof. But it doesn't work.

So I may be MIA for a while...I promise to get back to you....hoping to share my new project with you soon.


MrsThull said...

Hope you are having fun! :)

My weight loss journey said...

Have a great Holiday!!

Kakka said...

Have a great time away and keep warm - hope you are skiing or in the snow - if so please share photos. Will be here when you return. xxx

One Photo said...

Hope you are having a wonderful vacation!

Anonymous said...

Hope you're having a great time. Have fun!

Kelly said...

Have a lovely time!!! Don't blog too much!